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Metro Transit Public Hearing Scheduled
Give Feedback on Proposed Service to Monona and Service Equity Analysis
July 31, 2024; 6:00 PM
Virtual Meeting
On Wednesday, July 31, Metro Transit and the City of Madison Transportation Commission will hold a public hearing at 6 PM to review and discuss proposed new service to Monona as well as Metro’s updated Service Equity Analysis.
Meeting Details / Registration to Speak Link Available Soon
Service Extension Proposed for March 2025
- Route 38 extended hourly into Monona (map available soon)
- Route will continue east from Jenifer and Ingersoll streets into Monona ending at Dutch Mill Park and Ride
- Funded by new partnership agreement with City of Monona
- Will replace the Monona Express bus service
- Partnership will also benefit Madison neighborhoods including Marquette, Atwood, and Eastmorland with additional weekday service supplementing Route C.
- Routes G and L will also service new stops along Monona Dr.
- Paratransit service will be available
Service Equity Analysis
Metro is required to conduct a Service Equity Analysis for Major Service Changes.
Specifically, this analysis looks at the effects of Metro's service updates since the implementation of the 2023 Transit Network Redesign to determine if there is evidence of a potential Disparate Impact on minority populations or Disproportionate Burden on low-income populations as defined by the Federal Transit Administration.
Consideration will be given to views and comments expressed at the public hearing as well as to all phone and written comments received. All feedback submitted prior to the hearing will be considered by commission members in the same manner as verbal testimony.
If you need an interpreter, translator, materials in alternate formats or other accommodations to access this service, contact Metro Transit at (608) 266-4904 at least three business days prior to the meeting.
For more information, contact the Metro customer service center at (608) 266-4466 or mymetrobus@cityofmadison.com.