September is Library Card Sign-Up Month at Madison Public Library

MADISON, WI – September is Library Card Sign-Up Month at Madison Public Library. Started in 1987 by then Secretary of Education William Bennett, Library Card Sign-Up Month is a time to learn more about all the things you can do at your local library and to sign your kids or yourself up for a card.
According to anonymized data collected by the South Central Library System, there are 101,317 library cardholders within Dane County who list one of Madison Public Library’s nine locations as their home library. This represents about 40% of Madison’s population.
“The City of Madison is home to more than 200,000 residents, and I would love to see each and every one of them get a Madison Public Library card,” said Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway. “Our library system is exceptional not only locally, but nationally as an innovative space for community connection, art, programming, collections, and more. If we want to thrive as a city, we need our libraries to continue providing trusted information, as well as safe and welcoming spaces.”

Embrace this national celebration of literacy, community spirit, and library love by getting or renewing your Madison Public Library card. If you sign up in September you can take a picture with one of Madison Public Library’s signature large orange library cards at any location.
Already have a library card? Library staff have compiled a list of 30 Things You Can Do with Your Library Card at Madison Public Library on their website–one for every day of Library Card Sign-Up Month! Discover some of the lesser-known services and resources your library card gives you access to, check out all of the fun items that are part of the Library of Things, or try the Library Value Calculator to see how much you save when you use the library.
“We know that libraries bring value to the community in so many ways,” said Madison Public Library Director Tana Elias. “What other place connects you to your friends and neighbors, but also introduces you to people and perspectives you’ve never known? Where else can you vote, and learn a language, and access free WIFI, and read the newspaper, and check out birding equipment? Everyone can find something at the library, and the library has a place for everyone in our community.”
There are several options for getting a library card at Madison Public Library, most of which require a photo ID and proof of current address. However, library staff will also work with applicants to help gain access to library services.
Learn more about Library Card Sign-Up Month or apply for a card online at madpl.org/signupmonth.
About Madison Public Library
Madison Public Library’s tradition of promoting education, literacy, and community involvement has enriched the City of Madison for nearly 150 years. Visit the library online at www.madisonpubliclibrary.org and @madisonpubliclibrary on Facebook and Instagram.