Statement on Referendum Mailers

The City of Madison has sent informational mailers to residents to notify them of the municipal funding referendum on the November 5th ballot, as the City does with upcoming public hearings and important changes or updates to city services. The notice alerts voters that there will be a referendum question on their ballot and explains the question and the effects of a yes or no vote in plain language. The language was developed by city staff based on existing materials from the Finance Department, Common Council, and other City departments regarding the referendum. It was also approved by the City Attorney’s office. A second smaller mailer reminding residents to vote will arrive soon.
Informational mailers are a long-established tool for communicating with the public that is utilized by local governments across the state and the country. For instance, several cities in our area and around the state have also mailed information to residents about referenda on the November 2024 ballot.
The total cost of both mailers was $47,168. Under Madison General Ordinance 4.26, purchases under $50,000 do not require approval of the Common Council. As with most mailers, it was paid for out of the City’s general fund.