Road Closure for Continuation of E Wilson Street & E Doty Street Paving
Starting on Friday, November 1 at 7:00am, R.G Huston’s paving contractor will continue paving operations on E Doty Street and E Wilson Street. The paving contractor will be working in three different work zones throughout the day.
Work Zone 1 - E Doty Street, from Pinckney Street to King Street:
- Active work zone from 7:00am to 9:00am.
- Contractors will install the final paving surface.
- One lane of eastbound traffic will be maintained at all times.
Work Zone 2 - Butler Street, King Street and E Wilson Street Intersection:
- Active work zone from 9:00am to 11:30am.
- Binder paving surface to be installed within Butler/King/Wilson intersection.
- All work to take place in already closed off portion of road.
Work Zone 3 - E Wilson Street and Pinckney Street Intersection:
- Active work zone from 11:30am to 4:00pm.
- Metro Buses will detour onto John Nolen Drive.
- Final paving surface to be installed within intersection.
- E Wilson Street, from King Street to Pinckney Street, will temporarily operate as a two-way street to maintain access to local businesses and residence.
- No access onto Pinckney Street will be permitted from E Wilson Street.
- Access to the Embassy Suites will follow posted detour route for outer square loop
- King Street to Webster Street to Dayton Street to Fairchild Street to Doty Street for access to Pinckney Street.
- Access to the Wilson Street Parking Garage via Doty St to be maintained at all times.
- Exit from the Wilson Street Parking Grage via Wilson St to be maintained at all times.
- Access to Hilton Hotel via Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard with guidance from flaggers.

Learn more about the Wilson Street and King Street Reconstruction Project