Statement from Mayor Rhodes-Conway on the City’s Referendum
For Immediate Release
November 8, 2024
“Madison residents deeply value the services their city government provides and that's reflected by the outcome of the referendum. City leaders will begin final budget considerations next week without having to compromise ongoing investments in Madison’s future and its success. City staff, elected officials, and community leaders made an unprecedented effort to educate the public on the City’s budget process this year. This engagement was essential to ensuring Madison will continue to thrive.
However, our work is not done. We will start 2025 with a new State Legislature and a fresh opportunity to address the challenges that many local communities face across Wisconsin. Cities, villages and towns should not have to put referendums on the ballot in order to fund the basic services residents depend on. Wisconsin has a $4.6 billion surplus and there is no reason that any local government should be forced to enact austerity measures.
The system is broken but lawmakers have several bipartisan avenues to fix it. Thankfully, the referendum provides a much-needed backstop while lawmakers work to correct this fundamental imbalance in how Wisconsin funds its local governments. In the days ahead, I promise to work tirelessly with local leaders and partners around the state to address this chronic underfunding.
In the meantime, I want to thank Madison voters for making their voice heard at the ballot box with such an impressive turnout. The Clerk’s Office, alongside thousands of residents who served as election workers, did a tremendous job administering a very busy election cycle. On behalf of a grateful City, your dedication to democracy is greatly appreciated."
- Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway