Zoning Code Rewrite Comes to Council for Public Hearing


The city's comprehensive review of its zoning code will come to the City Council for a public hearing on Tuesday, March 15 at 6:45pm. "The zoning code rewrite is one of the most important steps we can take for the future of economic development in our city. Updating the zoning code will help Madison grow while maintaining the qualities that make us a desirable community," Mayor Dave Cieslewicz said. "I want to thank staff, city committees and the public for the extensive work that has gone into the code so far." After the public hearing next Tuesday, the code will return to the Council for adoption on March 29. The new Zoning Ordinance will not become effective until downtown zoning districts and zoning maps are adopted. Since the project began in late 2007, City staff and the consultants have met with over 100 boards, committees, commissions, neighborhoods, groups and individuals to review the proposed zoning code. The Plan Commission met 29 times between February 2008 and November 2010 to review the code. Next, the Zoning Code Rewrite Advisory Committee and the Plan Commission will begin working on the downtown zoning districts and zoning maps in 2011. Extensive public outreach will be provided as the maps are prepared and revised. To see the final substitute ordinance that will be discussed on Tuesday, click here. http://www.cityofmadison.com/neighborhoods/zoningrewrite/documents/Chap…

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