March Artist-in-Residence at the Bubbler: The Dream Collectors


The Dream Collectors is an artist-in-residency project at Central Library's Bubbler Room on March 6 – 30, curated by Megan Marsh-McGlone, Andrew Salyer, and Katie Schaag.
In 1924, a group of artists calling themselves Surrealists opened a Bureau of Surrealist Research in Paris. The Surrealists wanted to create an archive of as much information as possible about what was happening in people’s unconscious minds, so they invited the public to come to their Bureau and tell them accounts of their dreams.  The Dream Collectors project takes up the work of the Surrealists—inviting the people of Madison to visit the Bubbler and draw, write, and record accounts of the dreams they have while they are asleep. The Dream Collectors residency is a social art project that creates a space for people to share their dreams, the creative work of the unconscious that usually remains hidden.
The Dream Collectors will kick off their residency during the Bubbler’s Night Light event on March 6 from 8-11pm at the Central Library, 201 W. Mifflin St., where visitors will be encouraged to record their dreams and share in the project.

The residency has three major components:
1. A space for participants to share dreams in the Bubbler room at the Central Library during all open library hours
2. The display of participants’ dream materials in the Bubbler room
3.SALYER + SCHAAG, “Serious Play: Surrealist Experiments”

Participatory Workshop -Saturday, March 28, 12:00pm-2:00pm 

In this two-hour workshop, SALYER + SCHAAG will guide participants through a series of surrealist games, thought experiments, and intuitive methods of generating writing and images.  Participants will write, draw, collage, collaborate, perform, and invent, inspired by the surrealist spirit of serious play!

Learn more about the Dream Collectors on their website or follow the project on their Facebook page

About Madison Public Library
Madison Public Library’s tradition of promoting education, literacy and community involvement has enriched the City of Madison for more than 137 years. Nine locations throughout the City of Madison are open six days per week and welcome over 2.35 million visits each year. For more information, visit, Madison Public Library on Facebook, or @madisonlibrary on Twitter.
About The Bubbler at Madison Public Library
The Bubbler is a new programming model for Madison Public Library. Whether offering the basics of animation, screen printing, music, clothing design, dance, or painting (to name a few), The Bubbler’s hands-on workshops introduce participants to a variety of local experts who share their talents and physical resources. For more information, visit, Madison Bubbler on Facebook, or @madisonbubbler on Twitter.
This program is funded by a grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Service.


Dream Collectors
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