Happy New Year

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Every January I say, “I can’t believe it’s already a new year.” Inevitably someone responds with how time goes faster than it used to.  We all know that this isn’t true, but it still feels that way. Our lives seem busier, the world feels more chaotic, and sometimes you can’t help but feel that you will never catch up. 

I like to think of the New Year as an opportunity to press pause and take some time to breathe and reflect. Think about what happened in the past year that made me feel happy or proud. Think about things that may have made me sad, but also taught me something valuable or gave me strength. I don’t believe in failures.  Sometimes things do go wrong, and we have to adjust our path, but we also learn something from the detour. 

If you had goals or resolution that you didn’t reach, were they realistic to begin with. So many times our resolutions focus on making drastic changes in our habits or appearance. Is there really anything wrong with how we live or look? What makes us think that we aren’t good enough the way we are? If health reasons are dictating the need for drastic changes, be kind to yourself, allow for slip-ups, and be patient. Change is not usually easy. 

The world may seem crazy, but that is not within our direct control. Focus on what you can do in the here and now that really matters to you. Kindness and a smile go a long way toward boosting both your spirits and the recipient’s.  Research shows that gratitude improves both physical and psychological health. Learning something new improves brain 

However you decide to do to ring in the New Year, and whatever goals to choose to set, I wish you peace and gratitude in 2024.

This content is free for use with credit to Madison Senior Center.

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