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North District Blotter

Northport Neighborhood Officer Introduction...

May 25, 2013 5:07 PM

Submitted by: Police Officer Sarah Boespflug

I am excited to have been recently assigned as the Madison Police Department Northport Neighborhood Officer.  I have been with the Madison Police Department for six years.  I maintain very high expectations for myself when it comes to the quality of work I provide and look forward to serving your community.  I invite anyone with questions, concerns or simply just looking to say hello, to please reach out to me.  I promise to do my best to answer your questions and respond in a timely and appropriate manner to any concerns you may have.  If I don't have the answer you are looking for, I will make it a point to help you find it.

In early March, we held a "Meet the New Neighborhood Officer" pizza party at the Packer Townhomes Community Center.  Pizza was generously provided by Little Caesar's.  Many of the neighborhood children attended, and it was a wonderful opportunity for me to meet not only the kids, but their parents as well.   

With summer upon us, I will be out walking as much as I can.  If you see me out, consider it an open invitation to walk along with me!  I sincerely look forward to working with each of you and helping to provide you with the most safe, healthy and comfortable neighborhood to live.  I look forward to meeting and serving each of you.

Take care,
Officer Sarah

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