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North District Blotter

Rules for Drones

May 4, 2015 12:24 PM

Drones have become very popular with the general public, but few know the rules in operating them.   The North Police District received our first call from the airport tower reporting a violation of operating a drone.   Here are the rules the FAA shared with us:


The drone must be flown within the line of sight of the operator (1/2 mile max).
Less than 400 feet above the ground.
During the daylight hours.
5 miles away from any airport.
Less than 55 pounds of weight.
"Strictly Hobby or Recreation use" or purpose only for 'Model Flying'.
Operates "in accordance with" certain rules of Model Aircraft: e.g. Academy of Model Aeronautics.

  The website "Know before you fly" has the basic information you will need.

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