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North District Blotter

Cops and Bobbers

June 24, 2015 9:56 AM

Neighborhood Officer Sarah Boespflug last week organized a fishing event for the children in her neighborhood called "Cops and Bobbers".   Over twenty children went fishing with members of the North Police District Community Policing Team and Patrol Officers at Warner Park.   It was a beautiful day and the children caught lots of fish and had a great time.   They caught bluegills, bullheads, largemouth bass, and even a turtle.   Local businesses helped by providing the bait (D&S Baits), the brats (Jim's Meat Market) and the fishing equipment (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources).  The fishing equipment will be kept at the Community Centers, so the children can go fishing all summer long.


Cops and Bobbers


Cops and Bobbers

Cops and Bobbers


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