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North District Blotter

North District Alder Meeting

October 20, 2021 4:05 PM

Please join us for a meeting with District 18 Alder Charles Myadze, on 10/21/21.

October 21: Gun Violence & Public Safety Virtual Neighborhood Meeting

October 15, 2021 3:49 PM

You are invited to a "Call to Action" virtual neighborhood meeting on Thursday, October 21, 2021, at 6pm. We will hear from the Madison Police Department, the Good Neighbor Project, and others about gun violence and public safety, and learn what we can do to help make our community safe for all. You may also want to read my recent blog post on gun violence.

You can join the virtual event using your computer, smartphone, or tablet, or you can listen in via telephone. You will receive login information after registering at Please note that registration is limited to 500 participants. The meeting will be recorded.


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