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North District Blotter

Guerrilla Grillers on Northside

May 21, 2015 2:38 PM

You may have seen us, or maybe you didn't.  Popping up like a flash mob on the north side, Madison police officers made quick appearances recently all over Madison's north side.  With Ninja-like stealth, the Guerrilla Grillers showed up not for a 911 call, but to meet and greet our neighbors.  Offering a free hotdog (or two) and a tasty lemonade, our cops had the chance to meet in a different kind of way with the folks in the Northport and Brentwood neighborhoods.  Setting up in a matter of minutes, grilling and serving hotdogs and lemonade for an hour or so, we had a great time catching up and finding out what's on the minds of our neighbors.


So keep your eyes peeled for the hotdog cops, you never know when or where they will show up again.

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