Snow Emergency in Effect This Evening


A Snow Emergency has been called, which means everyone needs to park on the odd side of the street this evening.  If you can park off-street, so much the better.  Alternate street parking is required of everyone during a declared Snow Emergency, including those in Bay Creek who were added to the Snow Emergency Zone this year.

To learn more about Winter Parking Rules, click on this link

Did you get a ticket during the last Snow Emergency and want to avoid those in the future?  Sign up for text message alerts.

The temperature is dropping down to single digits this evening, so be sure to do what you can to get your sidewalk down to bare pavement.  It will be a lot more challenging once the bitter cold returns.

Remember, when it gets down to single digits, salt is largely ineffective.  The city makes sand available, and you can find out where by clicking here.

Look out for each other, please, particularly your neighbors for whom shoveling is an extra burden. 

Bundle up and stay warm!



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Alder Tag Evers

District 13
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