Two Short Notes


Hi Everyone,

Truman Olson Neighborhood Meeting

The second neighborhood meeting for the Truman Olson project will take place tomorrow evening, Thurs July 30, starting at 6:30.

This meeting will be used to present project updates, including those regarding site plan, community engagement, project programming, and grocery store overview. The meeting will also allocate time for the project team to gather public feedback on community needs, interests, concerns, and values.

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 858 5106 4660
Password: 270 424
Participate by phone: +1 312 626 6799

Arboretum Drive Scheduled to Reopen on Friday

The decision to open/close Arboretum Drive has been handled by UW-Madison Transportation Services, under the authority of the Chancellor's Executive Council. We've been asked to direct anyone who has feedback to visit this website to share their thoughts:

Stay safe. Stay strong.


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Alder Tag Evers

Alder Tag Evers

District 13
Contact Alder Evers