District 13 Updates: Transit Network Redesign, Plan Amendment Passes, Office Hours


Hi Everyone.

Metro Transit Network Redesign

You're invited to attend a virtual informational meeting this evening, Wednesday, March 3, 6pm-7:30pm to provide feedback and learn more about the Metro Transit Network Redesign. Click here for complete information.

Triangle Monona Bay Neighborhood Plan Amendment Passes!

One of my primary goals upon being elected was to elevate the voices of those living on the Triangle.  The Triangle is that part of the district bounded by Regent Street, South Park and West Washington and is home to low-income residents in the Bayview community and CDA apartment buildings.

Many of you are aware this area was part of the old Greenbush neighborhood, which was subject to urban renewal policies in the 1960s resulting in the tragic displacement of hundreds of low-income families.

The Triangle Monona Bay Neighborhood Plan was approved in 2019 to provide direction for the redevelopment of the Triangle. The Plan recommended a new north-south street from Regent to West Washington against the objections of Triangle residents. Working with these residents, I drafted an amendment to the Plan to limit the top half of the new street from Regent to Braxton to bike-ped only, with emergency vehicle access. The amendment was approved by three committees, including Plan Commission by unanimous vote, and then by Common Council last night.

Voice is definitive of participatory democracy and making sure all voices are at the table is key to my work as your alder. 

Why, then, you might ask, would I support the proposed zoning ordinance changes that would limit neighborhood input for those multi-family housing projects that are under the revised thresholds triggering discretionary review?

First, let me say that the proposed changes are modest and were among the recommendations included in the 2018 Comprehensive Plan. For example, along Monroe Street and Regent Street, any project above three stories would still require conditional use approval. The proposed changes are geared to activating small and medium-sized development projects to increase density and variety in the types of housing in our neighborhoods.

Second, we need more housing to meet steady increases in demand. These zoning changes coupled with forthcoming adjustments in the regulations around Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) will allow for much-needed infill development.

The changes will not solve all housing challenges, particularly those around affordability. That is why I am working with fellow alders to update the City's land banking policy whereby the City purchases parcels to remove them from the speculative real estate market for the purpose of building permanent affordable housing.

Change is difficult, but we cannot put a moat around our City and stop people from moving here. If we maintain exclusionary restrictions on multi-family housing, those projects will instead be built outside our boundaries -- in cities like Middleton, Sun Prairie and Verona – exacerbating traffic congestion and increasing carbon emissions.

As we manage our City's growth, we must be careful to mitigate its impact on our natural environment. Accordingly, I am working with the Friends of Lake Wingra to draft a Heritage Plan to protect the Wingra viewshed from further encroachments, focusing on light pollution emanating from illuminated signs and building interiors.

Office Hours

Tag Evers (he/him) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Office Hours
Time: Mar 5, 2021 08:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
        Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 836 6319 2580
Passcode: 774054
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As always, if you have questions or concerns, you may bring them to Office Hours, or you may email me (district13@cityofmadison.com) or give me a call (608.424.2560).

Take care and stay safe,


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Alder Tag Evers

Alder Tag Evers

District 13
Contact Alder Evers