Dogs in Parks, Back to School, Ash Tree Fundraiser - D15 Update 9/2/19

Madison Parks staff worked hard over the summer to collect public input on the current dogs in parks policy. Five public meetings were held along with an online survey. Based on those results, a draft policy will be presented to the Parks Long Range Planning Subcommittee on Wednesday. The new policy would allow on-leash dogs in Madison parks except at playgrounds, splash parks, sports fields, groomed cross country ski trails, beaches, and conservation parks. A recommendation from the subcommittee will be forwarded on to the Board of Parks Commissioners for final approval.
In the news:
- No Refuse, Recycling, or Large Item Collections on Labor Day
- City of Madison gives cost estimates, travel times for Bus Rapid Transit options
- County Executive, Madison Mayor Partner to Bring Safe, Clean Swimming to Local Lakes
- Mayor Rhodes-Conway Announces the Hire of Final Deputy Mayor
- Well 15 to remain offline
- Madison committee votes to terminate deal with Gebhardt for Judge Doyle Square apartments, shift to Stone House
- Dedication of The Badger, by Harry Whitehorse
- Making a Difference: "Trash Talkers" are keeping things clean
- Police: 50 people involved in fight at Olbrich Park?
This week's highlights:
Monday, September 2, 2019

12:00 pm - Laborfest 2019: Family-friendly activities include magic shows, face painting, a bounce house, balloon twister, and a caricature artist. SCFL's Community Services Committee will be collecting deodorant, small bottles of laundry detergent, liquid body wash, shampoo, hand/body lotion, and food gift cards for homeless students in the Madison area.
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
**Back to School for MMSD 4K-6th & 9th grades. 7th, 8th, & 10th-12th start Wednesday.**
6:30 pm - Common Council: Report of the Mayor submitting committee appointments including appointments to the Task Force on Municipal Golf in Madison Parks
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
3:00 pm - Parks Long Range Planning Subcommittee: The input from five public meetings and nearly 2,000 survey will be reviewed along with a draft Policy and Guidelines for On-Leash Dog Access to the Madison Park System. You can access all of the details here.
5:00 pm - Jazz at Five: Closing out the 2019 Jazz at Five series with the Waunakee Big Band and Petra's Recession Seven.
Thursday, September 5, 2019

4:00 pm - Eastmorland Community Association Ash Tree Fundraiser: In the summer of 2015, the Eastmorland Community Association began raising funds to treat and preserve 26 mature ash trees in the four Eastmorland parks (Olbrich, O.B. Sherry, Ontario, and Eastmorland). The treatment was repeated in 2018. To help replenish the fund, please attend the ash tree fundraiser where a portion of drink sales will go to help preserve our beautiful park ash trees!
6:00 pm - Public Market Development Committee Meeting - Design Update: The public will view detailed designs and city staff and project architects will share information about the mix and layout of merchants, event spaces, informal gathering areas, the market kitchen, outdoor plazas, and potential community arts/exhibit spaces. There will also be an update on pedestrian, bike and car access, building entries and landscaping plans. Finally, staff will share how sustainability features will be included in the design, such as innovative water conservation techniques, solar panels, and natural ventilation.
Friday, September 6, 2019
5:30 pm - This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate: Join us for our September First Friday Film @ First featuring "This Changes Everything" a Naomi Klein & Avi Lewis documentary about capitalism versus the climate. Dinner at 5:45 pm and movie at 6:30 pm. A kid-friendly movie will be available.

6:00 pm - Phoenix From the Ashes Reception, Artisan Market, Presentations: Join us for the Phoenix from the Ashes Reception, Programming, and Artisan Market! Free and open to the public. Learn more about the emerald ash borer and the local efforts to save ash trees in our urban canopy.
7:00 pm - Fighting Bob Fest 2019: The Progressive Magazine is proud to be host the 18th annual Fighting Bob Fest--named for our founder, Robert "Fighting Bob" La Follette--as a gathering for peace, social justice and the common good. Fighting Bob promoted chautauquas, large gatherings, to bring people together to raise hell and organize. Fighting Bob Fest continues this tradition today.
Saturday, September 7, 2019
1:00 pm - Illustrator Meet Up & Drawing Session with Artist-in-Residence Emily Balsley: In this casual session Emily will supply some black paper, Posca markers, and a drawing prompt for you to create in your own unique style. These illustrations will be hung outside the Bubbler Room as a collective piece for Gallery Night (10/4), showcasing the diversity and talent that exists within this illustrator community. Use this time to connect with other artists in the field of illustration, ask questions and draw together!
Sunday, September 8, 2019

12:30 pm - Extinction Rebellion Presentation!: Learn more about this exciting worldwide organization and how the Madison chapter is firing up for our survival and getting ready for the Global Climate Strike on September 20th! Snacks and light refreshments will be served.
2:00 pm - True North at Troy Festival: True North at Troy is a celebration of gratitude for this special green and growing place, fostering joy among neighbors. Admission is free to this community event. An entertainment stage featuring local artists and performers, local food vendors, hands-on activities for all ages, Chocolate Shop Ice Cream, a grab-bag drawing, hand-made pottery and more await.
Click on 'details' in the events below for links to additional details and meeting agendas. You can find a full list of city meetings here.
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