Woodmans, Atwood, Garver Path - D15 Update 4/13/20


me with mask
Glad to be able to help staff the polls at Ward 15.

Last Week

On Tuesday, voters that had not already submitted their absentee ballot made their way to the polls to cast their vote. According to data published by the County Clerk's office, turnout (including absentee ballots received) was down more than 20% for District 15 as compared to the last Spring Election that included a Presidential Preference race (2016) with 4,144 ballots cast this year as compared to 5,230 cast in 2016. Absentee ballots accounted for 73% of all District 15 ballots in this election. Election results will begin to post today after 4pm. You can watch the results come in on the County Clerk's website here: https://elections.countyofdane.com/Election-Result/120

With all the uncertainty around COVID-19 and future elections, I would encourage all of you to consider requesting absentee ballots for the August 11th Partisan Primary and November 3rd General Elections. You can request absentee ballots for both of these elections now at: https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/VoteAbsentee.

This Week

Most public meetings continue to be canceled this week with a few being held virtually.

woodmans proposal
Proposal for a new gas, lube, and car wash at Woodman's.

Monday: The Plan Commission's agenda includes Item 15 - Consideration to allow an existing auto service station/convenience store, restaurant, and car wash to be razed, and for a new auto service station/convenience store, and car wash to be built as part of a planned multi-use site at 3817 Milwaukee Street (Woodman's). The agenda notes that the item 'should be referred to May 11, 2020 pending a recommendation by the Urban Design Commission'. This item is expected to be on the Urban Design Commission's agenda on April 29th. You can find details for the proposal here. In addition to the new gas, lube, and car wash facilities being proposed, the parking lot will be brought up to current standards to include additional tree plantings and improved pedestrian and bicycle access. 

Traffic Engineering is considering adding extra space along Olbrich park to allow for appropriate physical distancing for people moving outside of cars.

Wednesday: The Transportation Commission will also be holding a virtual meeting this week with several items of possible interest to District 15 residents. Item 2 - Street/Lane Closures for Social Distancing during the COVID-19 emergency includes a recommendation to convert one outbound lane on Atwood Avenue from motor vehicle to bicycle traffic in order to allow for physical distancing for people that are walking, rolling, and biking along this busy corridor. Other locations for conversion include along John Nolen Drive to ease congestion on the Capital City Path. 

garver path
Proposed geometry for the new Garver Path and Starkweather Drive.

Two roadway geometry approvals are also on the agenda including the University Avenue and Garver Path/Starkweather Drive projects. The proposed geometry for the Garver Path includes repurposing the existing right of way of Starkweather Drive into a one-way motor vehicle lane with a 2-way pedestrian/bike path. You can find additional details at the links above.

If you have any questions or comments on any of the items above or any other city matter, please don't hesitate to reach out to me by email at district15@cityofmadison.com or via phone at 608.285.2519.

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Alder Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford

Alder Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford

District 15
Contact Alder Martinez-Rutherford
