Public Hearing: 3420-3614 Milwaukee St.


On June 26, 2023, an application was filed with the City of Madison Department of Planning, Community, and Economic Development regarding 3420-3614 Milwaukee St for approval of a rezoning from Temporary A (Agriculture District) to TR-V2 (Traditional Residential-Varied 2 District), TR-U2, CC-T (Commercial-Corridor Transitional District), CN (Conservancy District) and PR (Parks & Recreation District); Demolition Permit, and Preliminary Plat of Starkweather Plat, creating 13 lots for future residential and mixed-use development, five outlots for public uses, and five outlots for private uses following demolition of 3450, 3490 & 3510 Milwaukee St.

The application will be reviewed by:

Plan Commission Common Council
August 28, 2023, 5:30 PM (Virtual) September 5, 2023, 6:45 PM (Hybrid)

If you wish to register your support or opposition, or if you wish to speak at the virtual meeting, register in advance using instructions for participants noted on the agendas linked from the Clerk's website:

The purpose of these public hearings is to hear all interested parties. The City has made an effort to notify all the immediate neighbors of this proposal. City meeting agendas are available online at:

Note: Public hearing items may be approved at any time after the beginning of the hearings at the times noted above. The Plan Commission and Common Council use a consent agenda, which means an item may be approved at the beginning of the hearing if no one is registered to speak in opposition.

For more information: Call the City Planning Division at (608) 266-4635, or visit:

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Alder Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford

Alder Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford

District 15
Contact Alder Martinez-Rutherford
