Snow Plowing Update, New Summer Youth Employment Program
postedSnow Plowing Update
Citywide plowing operations will begin at midnight tonight. Up until that point, Streets will be circling through the main routes plowing and sanding them as needed.
At midnight, Streets crews with help from Parks, Engineering, and heavy equipment contractors will begin plowing every street in our city.
Plowing is a long, slow operation, and the wind will certainly complicate matters as roads plowed once will become covered over again.
No trash and recycling pickup tomorrow (Friday, December 23) as those crews will be needed to help with the continued snow response from the wind. Residents with a Friday trash/recycling day should instead set their carts out for pickup on Monday, December 26. (People with a Monday pickup should still follow the previously announced holiday schedule.) Streets drop-off sites are also closed.
A far more detailed update was recently sent around as a snow plow update, which you can also find here: https://www.cityofmadison.com/residents/winter/SnowIce/snowPlowUpdates.cfm
New Summer Youth Employment Program
Warner Park Community Center (WPCRC) is expected to be the location for a new summer youth employment program. The Northside Teen Resiliency Corps (TRC) will be led by a coalition of Sustain Dane, Vera Court Neighborhood Center, WPCRC, and Northport & Packers Community Learning Center to provide a summer youth employment program. The collective experience and leadership of Sustain Dane and the Northside community center partners will lead to implementation of a youth employment program that serves young people furthest from resources and opportunities and who face systemic barriers to employment. The TRC coalition will provide employment programming for teens including paid work experience and workforce readiness training for future employment in the green jobs economy.
The TRC will provide paid summer employment program focused on serving Northside teens. Participants will engage with a curriculum including employment skills, leadership training, community-building activities, S.T.E.M., climate change and sustainability, green jobs, financial literacy and professional workshops from local businesses. This program will prepare them for employment, in particular in the emerging green economy, and connecting them to a network of businesses and support for them to be successful.
The WPCRC works to build community, foster fellowship, and create a safe place for youth to gather. The center is one of the most important assets of the Madison Parks Division. Located on the Northeast side of Madison, the center is a multi-purpose facility for community activities, including recreational, educational, and cultural programs and events. WPCRC is already a hub for youth on the Northside. By hosting the program at WPCRC, it will further connect them to the center (or introduce them to the center), and they will have the opportunity to continue going to WPCRC year-round for a safe place to gather.