Lake Mendota Drive Pipe Lining Project


Here's some information from Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District about their project currently taking place on Lake Mendota Drive:

Pipe lining project to protect lake, groundwater

Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District has started work on a pipe lining project between Baker Avenue and Spring Harbor Park along Lake Mendota Drive.

Rehabilitation of the 87-year-old sanitary sewer line will extend the life of the pipe another 50 to 75 years. At the same time, it will reduce the potential for inflow and infiltration of groundwater and stormwater into the sanitary sewer.

During heavy storms or periods when water tables are elevated, the flow inside sanitary pipes may draw groundwater or surface water into the pipes through joints or minor imperfections. These high volumes boost the workload for local pumping stations and can increase the potential for sanitary overflows as well as higher bills for ratepayers due to loading. Pipe lining and rehabilitation are among the strategies Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District uses to keep rates low and enhance collection system resiliency.

The project involves inserting a new lining into the existing pipe. Through a process called inversion, injected water pushes the new lining into place in segments of roughly 500 to 600 feet where it is then cured in place. The new liner essentially serves as a pipe within a pipe and the smooth interior aids flow while protecting against inflow and infiltration.

Additional work that will be done as part of this project includes coating the insides of existing manholes with epoxy and testing and sealing lateral connections to the existing pipe.

Since the cured-in-place process does not require digging, it is significantly less costly, time consuming and disruptive to the public and the environment than excavation and pipe replacement with traditional open-cut methods. Contractor Visu-Sewer will set up a bypass line to minimize service disruptions to homes along the route as each section is completed.

In general, both lanes of traffic and most intersections will remain open throughout the process although some access may be temporarily restricted. Homes that will be affected by service limitations for up to 16 hours will receive advance notice.

The entire process is expected to be completed by July 2019 with construction costs of $465,000. For more information on the West Interceptor Rehabilitation Gammon Extension to Pumping Station 5, visit and search "West Interceptor Rehab." If you are experiencing a specific issue, contact district engineering project manager Eric Hjellen at or 608-347-3613.

Pipe Lining

The new pipe lining is installed in sections to minimize disruption to the neighborhood. The project also involves coating and sealing the insides of manholes and lateral connections to minimize inflow and infiltration.

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John Guequierre

Alder John P. Guequierre

District 19
Contact Alder Guequierre
