Virtual Meeting for Private School at 6101 University Avenue
postedPlease join me for a virtual neighborhood meeting on Wednesday, September 7, 2022, at 6:30pm, where we will hear about Asbury United Methodist Church’s proposal to establish a private school within their existing building at 6101 University Avenue. The beginning student body would be 100-120 9th and 10th graders, with plans to eventually educate students in grades 9-12. School would start around 8am and end at 2:30pm. Approximately 30% of the student body would be involved in after-school activities until approximately 4pm. The proposal will require conditional use approval under existing zoning. Asbury intends to immediately begin a building program to relocate the school to a new environment in three years.
You can join the virtual meeting using your computer, smartphone, or tablet, or you can listen in via telephone. You will receive login information after registering at www.cityofmadison.com/MeetingSeptember7University.
-Alder Keith Furman, district19@cityofmadison.com