Week of May 8 Meetings of Possible Interest to District 2


The week of May 8 has items of possible interest to residents of district 2 at the Finance Committee, the Plan Commission, the TIF Review Board, the Transit and Parking Commission, the Board of Parks Commissioners and the Board of Health for Madison and Dane County. The city meeting agenda items are open for testimony from the public should you be interested in weighing in.  I also appreciate hearing from you on any items on which you have a particular interest or concern so please send me an email or give me a call.

Also, committees and commissions have an opportunity at the beginning of each agenda for Public Comment on items not on the agenda.  If you have something you want to share with a committee or commission, you can use the Public Comment time to do so. 


Finance Committee 
4:30 May 8, 2017
Rm 354 City-County Building
Agenda:  https://madison.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=521091&GUID=1D5C2AB5-CEED…;

Agenda Item 22
Executing a Purchase of Services contract with Legacy Architecture , Inc. to assist in the preparation of the Historic Preservation Plan and associated activities.

Plan Commission 
5:30 May 8, 2017
Rm 201 City County Building
Agenda:  https://madison.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=512210&GUID=F55B66A1-25A8…;

Agenda Item 7
Consideration of a demolition permit to demolish a single-family residence and construct a new single-family residence at 117 N. Ingersoll Street; 2nd Ald. Dist.

TIF Review Board
12:00 Noon, May 10, 2017
Rm 1000 B , 30 W. Mifflin 
Agenda: https://madison.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=545780&GUID=FC5913B9-2A4D…;



Transit and Parking Commission
5:00 May 10, 2017
Rm 201 City County Building
Madison Central Library, Rm 302
Agenda: https://madison.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=512148&GUID=18F3BACC-2CA2…;

Agenda Item F1
Repealing Section 12.76(4)(f), renumbering Section 12.76(4)(g) to (f), creating Section 12.793, amending Sections 12.128(14), 12.141(1), 12.145(3)(c) and 1.08(3)(a) of the Madison General Ordinances to prohibit moped parking on the public Sidewalk and Terrace Area except in Moped Parking Areas and establish a bail deposit for violation thereof.

Agenda Item F3
Amending Metro Transit's 2017 Operating Budget to appropriate up to $16,000 of TID 32 funding to purchase two bus shelters for the 600 block of East Washington Avenue.

Agenda Item G1
SUBSTITUTE Recreating Section 3.14, creating Sections 33.55 and 33.56 of the Madison General Ordinances to update the Department of Transportation and create the Transportation Policy and Planning Board and the Transportation Commission.


Board of Parks Commissioners 
6:30 May 10, 2017
Goodman Maintenance Facility
1402 Wingra Creek Pkwy
Agenda:  https://madison.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=508911&GUID=725FCCF3-43D4…;

Agenda Item 15
Temporary Land Use Agreement- Request from Madison Gas & Electric Company for temporary access within Breese Stevens Field for utility installation to serve the facility. RECOMMEND APPROVAL

Board of Health for Madison and Dane County
5:00 May 11, 2017
Atrium Community Room
The Village on the Park
2300 S. Park St.
Agenda: https://madison.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=538490&GUID=39425632-B24E…   

Agenda item 6A
Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a one-year contract with one (1) one-year renewal with Host Compliance LLC for the purpose of locating and identifying dwelling units or portions of dwelling units in the city being rented to tourists or guests on web platforms such as Airbnb, Vacation Rental By Owner (“VRBO”), HomeAway, and other similar web platforms at a cost of approximately $24,900.00 per year.


*Consent agenda--The consent agenda includes many agenda items that come to a vote without testimony or Council discussion.  Should anyone register and wish to speak, the item would be taken off the consent agenda.

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Alder Juliana Bennet

Alder Juliana Bennett

District 2
Contact Alder Bennett