Week of July 10 Meetings of Possible Interest to District 2
postedThe week of July 10 has items of possible interest to residents of district 2 at the Landmarks Commission, the Common Council Executive Committee, Common Council – Presentation: Update on the Public Market, the Common Council, the Transit and Parking Commission, the Board of Parks Commissioners and the Madison Police Department Policy & Procedure Review Ad Hoc Committee. The city meeting agenda items are open for testimony from the public should you be interested in weighing in. I also appreciate hearing from you on any items on which you have a particular interest or concern so please send me an email or give me a call.
Also, committees and commissions have an opportunity at the beginning of each agenda for Public Comment on items not on the agenda. If you have something you want to share with a committee or commission, you can use the Public Comment time to do so.
Landmarks Commission
4:45 July 10, 2017
Rm GR 27 City-County Building
Agenda: https://madison.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=512175&GUID=3DFA8C54-D0A4-40B7-89BB-27A3B9754AB7
Agenda Item 3
Landmarks Commission Review of Historic Preservation Plan
Common Council Executive Committee
4:30 July 11, 2017
Rm 108 City-County Building
Agenda: https://madison.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=525074&GUID=838B14A0-A295-475D-B161-A488498FC01C
Agenda Item 8
SUBSTITUTE - Creating a President’s Task Force to Review Local Governance Models and make recommendations to the Council and Mayor.
Agenda Item 9
Creating a special committee on government organization to examine and make recommendations on elected officials, the structure of the common council, and the position of Mayor for the 21st century.
Common Council – Discussion - Presentation: Update on the Public Market
5:30 July 11, 2017
Rm 201 City-County Building
Agenda: https://madison.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=556294&GUID=C9DE98CF-5EF6-4212-9E2D-7E5CDF5B6C5E
City staff will provide a status report on the Madison Public Market with updates on the project’s budget, the timeline, and the progress on each of the five work elements from the Public Market Implementation Strategy:
1) Governance and operations
2) Funding
3) Design
4) Vendors
5) Outreach
Link to the Madison Public Market webpage: http://bit.ly/1ukfVJH
Common Council
6:30 July 11, 2017
Rm 201 City-County Building
Agenda: https://madison.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=553318&GUID=CBF32A7E-9DBF-4534-A4F1-E9EBE76B1743
Agenda item 17
Report of the Mayor submitting resident committee appointments (introduction 7/11/2017; action 7/18/2017).
Transit and Parking Commission
MARGARET BERGAMINI (2nd A.D.) - reappoint to a three-year term to the position of Citizen Member. First appointed 8-5-2008.
TERM EXPIRES: 4-30-2020
Urban Design Commission
LOIS BRAUN-ODDO (2nd A.D.) - reappoint to a three-year term to the position of Registered Architect. First appointed 7-21-2015.
TERM EXPIRES: 6-30-2020
DAWN O'KROLEY (2nd A.D.) - reappoint to a three-year term to the position of Registered Architect. First Appointed 9-2-2008.
TERM EXPIRES: 6-30-2020
Agenda item 84
Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 709-713 E Johnson Street - The KM2 Building and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 8021.
(2nd AD)
Agenda item 97
Approving a Small Cap TIF #32 Mansion Hill-James Madison Park Neighborhood loan of up to $90,000 to Peter Linsmeier Borrower for the purchase and renovation of the property located at 515 E. Mifflin Street,
Madison, WI and its conversion from rental to owner-occupied housing; and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a loan agreement with the Borrower to effectuate this transaction.
Transit and Parking Commission
5:00 July 12, 2017
Madison Central Library, Room 302
201 W. Mifflin
Agenda: https://madison.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=512151&GUID=16D68EBD-456E-493B-AC2C-B73F3EE53859
Agenda Item G1
SUBSTITUTE Repealing Section 12.76(4)(f), renumbering Section 12.76(4)(g) to (f), creating Section 12.793, amending Sections 12.128(14), 12.141(1), 12.145(3)(c) and 1.08(3)(a) of the Madison General Ordinances to prohibit moped parking on the public sidewalk and terrace area except in Moped Parking Areas and establish a bail deposit for violation thereof.
Board of Parks Commissioners
6:30 July 12, 2017
Goodman Maintenance Facility
1402 Wingra Creek Pkwy
Agenda: https://madison.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=508913&GUID=0752A1DA-6EA6-49D8-A8ED-DD0155DF61F2
Agenda Item 25
Establishing an Urban Forestry Taskforce to make recommendations to the Mayor and the Common Council regarding the promotion of a vibrant, healthy and sustainable urban forest and tree canopy.
Madison Police Department Policy & Procedure Review Ad Hoc Committee
5:30 July 13, 2017
Urban League of Greater Madison
2222 S. Park St
Agenda: https://madison.legistar.com/View.ashx?M=A&ID=521257&GUID=F9E504B7-2B7A-4F40-9939-DB8F34D4EBAF
Agenda Item 1
Update and presentation from OIR, Michael Gennaco and staff, including a video conference with Dr. Sam Walker on Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement and on the strengths and weaknesses of various models.
Agenda Item 2
Presentation by City of Madison Police and Fire Commission Attorney Scott Herrick on the Wisconsin Police and Fire Commission System with a review of it’s origins, evolution, and current operations
*Consent agenda--The consent agenda includes many agenda items that come to a vote without testimony or Council discussion. Should anyone register and wish to speak, the item would be taken off the consent agenda.