Can You Talk About Open Data? Opportunity To Share with City Starting 11/7 - 11/17/17


The City of Madison has partnered with the Sunlight Foundation and Reboot, a social impact firm, to better understand how Madison residents are using information and data to strengthen Madison’s neighborhoods.

As part of this research process, they are reaching out to members of the community with relevant knowledge of the city's neighborhoods, neighborhood residents and their needs. They are particularly interested in hearing from residents about how they use information/evidence/data to improve your neighborhood.

They will be conducting in-person interviews starting next week in Madison (approx. 1 hour) and are seeking potential respondents for their research.

If you are interested in providing residents names who may have a free hour to speak with staff between Nov 7 and Nov 17, please reply to Karalyn Kratowicz, Data Projects Coordinator, City of Madison; T:  608.266.4030 or E:


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Alder Juliana Bennet

Alder Juliana Bennett

District 2
Contact Alder Bennett