Updates & Week of Dec. 20 Meetings of Interest for District 2
postedDistrict 2 Updates and Meetings of Interest
City meetings remain online only with details listed in City Meetings of Interest below; all have virtual public participation options.
Stay in touch with your neighbors through either Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc., Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association, or Campus Area Neighborhood Assoc.
There are three sections to this week's update:
- COVID-19 Resources & Information
- Other District 2 Updates
- City Meetings of Interest to District 2

From Public Health Madison & Dane County:
- Omicron Variant in Dane County: Pay Attention, Don't Panic - Public Health Underscores Importance of Getting Vaccinated and Boosted
- Why Should I Get a Vaccine or Booster Now That Omicron Is Here?
- COVID-19 vaccine webpage
- Learn about the many testing sites in Dane County (in Spanish)
- COVID-19 Data Dashboard
- The latest Data Notes
Dane CORE - for rental and utility assistance.
Visit the City's Coronavirus Website for Madison's COVID responses and resources.
Dane County Food Pantry Network from Community Action Coalition.
State of Wisconsin COVID-19 resources and information from state agencies, including the State Dept. Public Health
Info on UW-Madison's response to the pandemic.

Brush Cleanup from Wind Storm - The Streets Division is performing brush collection in response to the wind storm that hit Madison.
More Large Item Set-outs Days Now Available in Work Order System
From Madison Metro: Reduced Service over Christmas
From City Engineering: Be on Santa's 'Good' List, Be Good to Your Pipes! - Also, a podcast episode to know what actually goes down the pipes (Down the drain: bowling balls, bacon grease, Legos)
From the Mayor: Voicing Support for State Surface Water Standards on PFAS and Streets Division Updates
In District 2 and most of the city center, Alternate Side Parking rules are in effect only during a Declared Snow Emergency. The City of Madison winter website has all the resources you need.

Reminder: Alder District Boundaries Change on January 1
City of Madison Alder Districts were amended and approved by Common Council in November due to redistricting required by the 2020 US Census. As a result, the Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood will join with District 6 across E. Washington Ave., currently represented by Brian Benford, while the Sherman Terrace area and the many apartments along Fordem Ave. will move to District 12, currently represented by Syed Abbas. These changes take effect on Jan. 1, 2022, rather than when current alder terms are up in April 2023.
It is unusual that as a resident of Tenney-Lapham I will no longer represent my neighborhood nor will I live in District 2 as of the new year, but this is the way redistricting works! Despite not living in the newly drawn District 2, I will continue to represent the James Madison Park and the Mansion Hill neighborhoods. District 2 will now stretch to Lake Street in the Langdon area and will include the 400, 500, and 600 blocks of State Street, rather than ending at Frances Street as it does now. Also included in District 2 will be blocks between State and W. Johnson from Bassett Street to Lake Street. See the new districts citywide here.

Replacement of the Existing Beach Shelter and Installation of Clean Beach Treatment System at Tenney Park in 2022-2023
Madison Parks, in conjunction with City Engineering and Dane County, will be constructing the new beach shelter which will be based on the Madison Parks prototype shelter which has been recently constructed at several other city parks. The beach shelter replacement project was approved as part of the City of Madison's adopted 2021 Capital Budget and was originally proposed to be constructed beginning in fall of 2021; however the delay in delivery of the clean beach system to Warner Park necessitates holding the project at Tenney Park so that Parks Operations staff can have a full season to implement and maintain the system prior to its implementation at other locations. Please visit "Tenney Park - Beach Shelter Replacement page".
Below are some pertinent agenda items from city committees that are meeting this week. If you click on meeting "Details" below, you will find participation and viewing options, and a link to the full meeting agenda. If you click on a item from within an agenda, you will see all documents that relate to that item.
I appreciate hearing from you on any agenda items on which you have a particular interest or concern.
President's Work Group on Environmental Justice: Details
4:30pm, Monday, Dec. 20, 2021
Agenda Item 2
WisDHS Presentation: Health Impacts of PFAS
Agenda Item 3
Discussion Regarding the Creation of a PFAS Outreach Strategy
Sustainable Madison Committee: Details
5:00pm, Monday, Dec. 20, 2021
Agenda Item 2
Natural Hazard Mitigation Strategies
Agenda Item 3
City of Madison Facilities Update
Agenda Item 4
Buildings Policy Update
Agenda Item 6
Update: City/MGE Agreement and Working Group
Agenda Item 8
Sustainability Equity Lens Intro / Group Discussion on 2022
Transportation Policy and Planning Board: Details
5:00pm, Monday, Dec. 20, 2021
Agenda Item 2
Approve TAP application projects prioritization
Agenda Item 3
TDM proposal refinements
Agenda Item 4
Discussion of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Zoning Framework
Humanitarian Award Commission, Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.: Details
6:00pm, Monday, Dec. 20, 2021
Agenda Item 2
Discuss & Select Award Winners.
Agenda Item 3
Update: 2022 King Coalition Program.
Ad Hoc Landmarks Ordinance Review Committee: Details
5:30pm, Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2021
Agenda Item 2
Draft Historic Preservation Ordinance
Agenda Item 3
Additional Public Engagement
Agenda Item 4
Discussion of Next Steps and Schedule