Updates & Week of Feb. 14 Meetings of Interest for District 2


District 2 Updates and Meetings of Interest

City meetings remain online only with details listed in City Meetings of Interest below; all have virtual public participation options.


Stay in touch with your neighbors through either Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc. or Campus Area Neighborhood Assoc.


There are three sections to this week's update:

  1. COVID-19 Resources & Information
  2. Other District 2 Updates
  3. City Meetings of Interest to District 2



COVID Update


From Public Health Madison & Dane County:

Dane CORE - for rental and utility assistance.

Visit the City's Coronavirus Website for Madison's COVID responses and resources.

Dane County Food Pantry Network from Community Action Coalition.

State of Wisconsin COVID-19 resources and information from state agencies, including the State Dept. Public Health

Info on UW-Madison's response to the pandemic.





Useful Links Image



  • On Feb. 17, everyone is invited to come Downtown for a special celebration of Lunar New Year. Experience traditional Chinese Lion Dancing performed by Zhong Yi Kung Fu Association on the stage at Lisa Link Peace Park (452 State St.) at 6pm. Immediately following the Lion Dance in the park, Association members will move on to provide blessings at 10 locations around downtown.

  • February is Black History Month, and Madison Public Library is celebrating this year's theme of Black Health & Wellness put forth by the Association for the Study of African American Life and History. Through their Live Well @ Your Library initiative, community partnerships, book lists, events and more, they aim to support Madison's Black community in finding and accessing health and wellness resources. They've got some great events coming up this month at the library that celebrate many different facets of the Black experience. Learn more here.

  • Common Council recently changed the order of business and procedures for registered speakers during Council meetings. These changes stemmed from policy recommendations made by the Task Force on the Structure of City Government (TFOGS). The new Common Council meeting format will go into effect on Feb. 22, 2022. Find more about the improved process here.
  • Senior Safety Programs: Madison Public Library is offering free online trainings for senior digital safety. Learn how to identify and protect against fake news, gets tips to help avoid becoming a victim of fraud and gain confidence on your journey to financial empowerment. More info on the Feb. 23 Senior Scams training from 1:00pm to 2:30pm is here.

  • Healing Labs are a series of events created for teens 8th-12th grade from the communities of the African Diaspora to explore journeys of self-worth and self-determination. From Black History Month through Juneteenth, the Madison Public Library will delve into the history of resiliency and the many ways in which black and brown communities have learned to cope, process and move forward to thrive. The first event takes place on Feb. 15 from 4:30-5:30 p.m. at Central Library and will explore the topic, "Who's in Your Village?" Supplies, snacks and $30 gift cards are available for the first 30 youth attendees. No registration is required. Learn more here.



400 Block of State Street Existing Bldgs

Existing Buildings


400 State Block Revised Proposal Rendering

Revision to Proposed Building


Steering Committee Forming on Redevelopment Proposal in 400 Block of State St.

The Mansion Hill District of Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc., (CNI), is forming a steering committee to evaluate the redevelopment proposal put forth by JD McCormick Properties for 428 to 444 State Street. The steering committee will be meeting soon, so if you are interested in working together with others interested in the proposal and the development team, please contact me at district2@cityofmadison.com and I'll pass on your email address. If you simply want to keep track of the steering committee's work, you are also welcome to join the committee's email list.

JD McCormick Properties proposes to demolish the three buildings at 428 through 444 State Street (see image above) and construct a new a five- to six-story, mixed-use building with 23 to 26 dwelling units and first floor commercial spaces. The developer will be seeking Demolition Permits and will need formal approvals by the Urban Design Commission and Plan Commission, but formal land use applications have not yet been filed with the city.

On Feb. 9, the Urban Design Commission gave input on the proposed building after an informational presentation with formal consideration expected at an unknown later date. The project plans and city staff comments to UDC can be found here. You can also watch the City Channel recording of that meeting here, with this agenda item starting at the 2:26:30 time stamp. Based on the UDC staff report, the proposed building has already been revised as shown in the image above where the height of the corner section at State and Peace Park was reduced. UDC provided additional informal input on the building's design, including concerns about an overabundance of State Street window openings and some concerns about the proposed materials, color, and massing. Note that UDC's purview is limited mostly to the exterior design of the proposed building and its conformity to the Downtown Urban Design Guidelines.

Plan Commission will later make decisions on the proposed demolitions, any needed Conditional Uses, and the necessary lot combinations. Given that a rezoning of the parcels involved is not anticipated, the full Common Council is not expected to be involved.

A virtual neighborhood meeting was held on Jan. 31 where attendees also gave initial feedback on the proposal. You can watch a recording of that meeting here. Meeting attendees seemed mostly supportive of adding housing downtown, but there were some concerns about the loss of naturally occurring affordable apartments and the future of the local businesses being displaced.

Also on Jan. 31, the Landmarks Commission considered the requested demolitions of the three buildings. The city staff report on these buildings is here. As with all proposed demolitions in the city, Landmarks provide advisory findings to Plan Commission who makes the decisions on demolitions. For the building at 440-444 State Street Landmarks found that (paraphrased) it has historic value related to the vernacular context of Madison's built environment, but the building itself is not historically, architecturally or culturally significant. For 432-436 and 428-430 State Street (2 buildings) the Commission found that (paraphrased) the buildings have historic value based on architectural significance, cultural significance, historic significance, and/or its status as a contributing structure in a National Register Historic District. For these buildings, it seemed that the Commission's finding was based primarily on the buildings being contributing structures in an eligible, but not approved, State Street National Historic District and perhaps on their architectural signficance and cultural significance, as well as being examples of a certain architectural style. Decades ago an effort to designate a State Street National Historic District failed due to many property owners rejecting the concept.

Koi Sushi Alcohol License Transfer at ALRC on Wednesday, Feb. 16 

Koi Sushi that has operated at 502 State Street for several years, has applied to move their existing liquor license to 260 W. Gilman St., just around the corner and in the same building as 502 State. Their new restaurant at 260 W. Gilman is called Diamond Cafe. The conditions associated with their current liquor license would transfer to the new location if their application is approved at the Feb. 16 Alcohol License Review Committee. Those conditions include stopping alcohol sales no later than 11pm all days of the week, that they operate as a restaurant, and the requirement to have their food service available whenever serving alcohol.

If you are interested in giving public comment or watching the ALRC meeting, see "Details" below in "City Meetings of Interest" for the ALRC meeting. You are also welcome to email me at district2@cityofmadison with concerns and questions.

MPD Logo

From MPD: Traffic Enforcement Projects

Over the past week, Officers from the Madison Police Department, including members of TEST (Traffic Enforcement & Safety Team), have conducted 3 enhanced traffic enforcement projects.

On Friday, 2/4, an enforcement project was conducted on E Washington Ave from 10:00 PM until 2:00 AM, focusing on OMVWI and other hazardous violations. During the project officers conducted a total 13 stops, with 1 additional attempted step where the vehicle fled. All stops were for speeding violations of at least 15 MPH or over the posted speed limit. One stop resulted in an OMVWI investigation.

On Monday, 2/7, an enforcement project was conducted on Packers Ave near Aberg Ave from 7:00 AM until 11:00 AM, focusing on Speeding, Seat Belt enforcement, and other hazardous violations. During the project officers conducted a total of 39 stops, the majority of which were for speeding or red signal violations. Three vehicles were stopped for traveling 60 MPH or faster in the 35 MPH zone. The average speed stopped was 53 MPH, or 18 MPH over the speed limit.

Last night, Thursday 2/10, an enforcement project was conducted on Stoughton Rd near Milwaukee St.  During the project officers conducted a total of 21 stops. The highest speed stopped was for 80 MPH with all vehicles stopped for going at least 14 MPH over the speed limit (55 MPH).

These additional enforcement efforts are made possible through traffic overtime grants provided by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, and conducted in partnership with the Dane County Sheriff's Office.  Areas selected for targeted enforcement are based off of traffic crash data and Vision Zero Madison's High Injury Zone.

CNI Logo

CNI Experts Featuring Stu Levitan's Virtual Presentation of Madison in the 60's!

On Thursday, Feb. 24 from 7:00-8:00pm, Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc. invites residents of downtown and their guests to a virtual presentation on Madison in the 60's by award-winning print and broadcast journalist, Stu Levitan.

Stu Levitan will give an illustrated talk adapted from his book Madison in the Sixties, recapping the decade's highlights and lowlights -- antiwar protests, the civil rights movement, the bitter battle over the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Monona Terrace, the UW's expanding impact, plus a special portfolio of Lost Madison, downtown buildings razed since then. You'll learn about -- or relive -- ten years that changed the city forever! Stu Levitan is an award-winning print and broadcast journalist, historian, long- time local official, and retired state employee.

Zoom Meeting at this link:


Meeting ID: 836 2128 2868

Passcode: 125260

Find your local number here.



Below are some pertinent agenda items from city committees that are meeting this week. If you click on meeting "Details" below, you will find participation and viewing options, and a link to the full meeting agenda. If you click on a item from within an agenda, you will see all documents that relate to that item.


I appreciate hearing from you on any agenda items on which you have a particular interest or concern.



Transportation Policy and Planning Board: Details

5:00pm, Monday, Feb. 14, 2022


Agenda Item 5

Creating Section 10.30 of the Madison General Ordinances to Create the Roadway Cafe Permit to Allow for the Expansion of Licensed Sidewalk Cafes into the Roadway, and Amending Sections 12.1425, 38.05(3)(e)1 and 1.08(3)(a) accordingly and 1.08(4) accordingly.


Agenda Item 6

Creating Section 9.135, Sidewalk Cafe and Roadway Cafe Expansion Licenses, to create a new Roadway Cafe Expansion License and make the Streatery program for sidewalk cafes permanent, creating Section 9.136, Street Vending on the State Street Mall/Capitol Concourse, repealing Section 9.13, License for Selling on Public Streets and recreating Section 9.13 as Street Vending Licenses, and amending Sections 9.12, 1.08(3)(a), and 1.08(4), accordingly.


Agenda Item 7

Streatery and Street Parking


Agenda Item 8

Complete Green Streets - Update on Let's Talk Streets



Police and Fire Commission: Details

5:30pm, Monday, Feb. 14, 2022


The item below is part of the last agenda item.




Contemplated closed session pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 19.85(1)(c) to discuss and take action, if appropriate, regarding employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility; specifically:


1. Deliberate regarding Fire Chief candidates and final interview process


Reconvene into open session to consider any remaining agenda items and to take action, if appropriate, regarding the items discussed in closed session



Board of Public Works: Details

4:30pm, Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022



Agenda Item 4

At this time, a consent agenda will be moved with the recommended action listed for each item EXCEPT:

1) items which have registrants wishing to speak.

2) items which require an extraordinary (roll call) vote and are not included on the consent agenda by unanimous consent.

3) items which Board Members have separated out for discussion/debate purposes.

Those numbers with an asterisk are consent agenda items.




Agenda Item 12*

Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 619-621 N Lake Street and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9133. (2nd AD)

This item is for the authorization of the required developer agreement and approval of the public improvements required for the certified survey map and redevelopment of the properties at 619-621 N Lake Street (contract 9133). The two existing structures on these properties will be razed and the property combined into one lot by a certified survey map. The new building will consist of an 8-story fraternity and apartment building. Public improvements will consist of restoration of the existing sidewalk, street terrace, curb & gutter, and street pavement that is removed or damaged to facilitate the the private project. Private sanitary, storm, and water service laterals will also be installed within the public right-of-way to serve the new building as well as updating the existing private driveway apron on Mendota Court. The existing Hackberry street terrace tree on N Lake Street near the southwest corner of the project is to remain and be protected during the construction process.




Economic Development Committee: Details

5:00pm, Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022



Agenda Item 2

EDC Discussion with Pop-Up Shop Entrepreneurs and Recent Recipients of City Financial Assistance.


Agenda Item 3

Equitable Economic Response and Recovery



Alcohol License Review Committee: Details

5:30pm, Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2022

Public Hearing


Agenda Item 13

Public Hearing - License Transfer

502 State St LLC • dba Koi Sushi

Transfer from 502 State St to 260 W Gilman St

Agent: Jing Xun Jiang • Estimated Capacity:

Class B Combination Liquor & Beer • 10% alcohol, 90% food

Aldermanic District 2 (Alder Heck) • Police Sector 403

Note: See more on this item above in "Other District 2 Updates"



Police Civilian Oversight Board Executive Subcommittee: Details

10:00am, Thursday, Feb. 17, 2022




Agenda Item 2

Update on Independent Police Monitor Recruitment Process


Agenda Item 3

Planning for Civilian Oversight Panel Discussion with Board and Uses for Remaining NACOLE consulting funds 



Landlord and Tenant Issues Committee: Details

5:00pm, Thursday, Feb. 17, 2022




Agenda Item 5

Housing Forward update from CDD's Linette Rhodes.


Agenda Item 6

Discuss possible community outreach efforts around retaliation and tenants' rights with Deputy Mayor Katie Crawley from the Mayor's office.


Agenda Item 7

Discussion around how to frame and implement RA recommendations around disability with guest Steven Wheeler from Disability Rights Wisconsin 


Agenda Item 9

Continue to revise the Rent Abatement program (MGO 32.04) using racial equity analysis recommendations.



Downtown Coordinating Committee: Details

5:30pm, Thursday, Feb. 17, 2022


Agenda Item 2

Report of Mall Maintenance and Special Events 2022 


Agenda Item 3

Creating Section 10.30 of the Madison General Ordinances to Create the Roadway Cafe Permit to Allow for the Expansion of Licensed Sidewalk Cafes into the Roadway, and Amending Sections 12.1425, 38.05(3)(e)1 and 1.08(3)(a) accordingly and 1.08(4) accordingly.

Agenda Item 4

Creating Section 9.135, Sidewalk Cafe and Roadway Cafe Expansion Licenses, to create a new Roadway Cafe Expansion License and make the Streatery program for sidewalk cafes permanent, creating Section 9.136, Street Vending on the State Street Mall/Capitol Concourse, repealing Section 9.13, License for Selling on Public Streets and recreating Section 9.13 as Street Vending Licenses, and amending Sections 9.12, 1.08(3)(a), and 1.08(4), accordingly.


Agenda Item 5

Amending Chapter 28 to create an outdoor eating area, temporary, associated with a food and beverage establishment as a use category in Chapter 28, amending Tables 28D-2, 28E-2, 28F-1 and 28G-1 to include the new use category, and amending Subchapter 28J: Supplemental Regulations.

Information only - not official referral


Agenda Item 6

BY TITLE ONLY - A Resolution amending the "Regulations Governing Vending on the State Street Mall/Capitol Concourse" to move the regulations for sidewalk cafes into new section 9.135 of the Madison General Ordinances, and to make updates consistent with new ordinances creating Roadway Cafes and making the "Streatery" program permament.


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Alder Juliana Bennet

Alder Juliana Bennett

District 2
Contact Alder Bennett