Updates & Week of March 14 Meetings of Interest for District 2
postedDistrict 2 Updates and Meetings of Interest
City meetings remain online only with details listed in City Meetings of Interest below; all have virtual public participation options.
Stay in touch with your neighbors through either Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc. or Campus Area Neighborhood Assoc.
There are three sections to this week's update:
- COVID-19 Resources & Information
- Other District 2 Updates
- City Meetings of Interest to District 2

From Public Health Madison & Dane County:
- COVID-19 vaccine webpage
- Learn about the many testing sites in Dane County (in Spanish)
- COVID-19 Data Dashboard
- The latest Data Notes
Dane CORE - for rental and utility assistance. If you are a renter or landlord in need of financial assistance as a result of the pandemic, you can still access financial assistance.
Visit the City's Coronavirus Website for Madison's COVID responses and resources.
Dane County Food Pantry Network from Community Action Coalition.
State of Wisconsin COVID-19 resources and information from state agencies, including the State Dept. Public Health
Info on UW-Madison's response to the pandemic.

Overdose Spike Alert Issued Due to Increase in Suspected Drug Overdose Activity
City and County Announce Location of Permanent Men's Shelter
Lake Monona Waterfront Design Challenge: Request for Qualifications
Volunteers Needed: Earth Day Challenge - April 23rd - volunteers needed for James Madison Park and other nearby parks
From Public Health: When a Dog Bites: How We Investigate to Prevent Further Aggression
Wisconsin Help for Homeowners (WHH) is a new statewide program that can help with overdue bills like mortgage payments, property taxes, utilities, and more. The program is open to individuals and families who live in Wisconsin with overdue housing-related bills, both with and without a mortgage, who meet income and other eligibility requirements, and have experienced a qualified economic hardship since Jan. 21, 2020. More info here.
Over the next few months, staff will be analyzing feedback on Metro's Network Redesign Draft Plan and making adjustments. Survey (online here and in Spanish here) will be available until the end of April. You can also provide feedback by emailing MetroRedesign@cityofmadison.com.
From the Mayor:
Imprinted in Madison: Artists Making Their Mark features prints by contemporary artists whose paths brought them to or through Madison. The exhibition showcases a wide variety of prints and printmaking processes from internationally exhibited artists and locally celebrated printmakers alike. It will be on display in the Madison Municipal Building from Feb. 25, 2022, through Feb. 17, 2023. Learn more here.
Optimus Technologies and Renewable Energy Group Implement B100 Technology to Help City of Madison Reach Sustainability Goals - Use of 100% Biodiesel Will Help Fleet Reach Net Zero Target.

Proposed Building
March 16 Meeting of Steering Committee for 400 Block of State Redevelopment Proposal
The steering committee of the Mansion Hill District of Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc. (CNI), that is evaluating the redevelopment proposal put forth by JD McCormick Properties for 428 to 444 State Street is scheduled to meet again virtually on Wednesday, March 16 at 5:30pm. The Zoom link was unavailable as of publication, but if you'd like to attend, get onto the steering committee's email list, or give input on the proposal, please email me at district2@cityofmadison.com.
The March 16 steering committee meeting could be the last as they work to form their input to the city. That input will likely be sent to Urban Design Commission prior to their March 30 meeting when the proposal is considered. Plan Commission's consideration is expected on April 11.
The developer proposes to demolish the three mixed-use buildings at 428 through 444 State Street and construct a new six-story, mixed-use building with 26 dwelling units and a first floor commercial space. The developer will be seeking Demolition Permits and will need formal approvals from the Urban Design Commission and Plan Commission. You can find the project plans and land use application here and read more about the proposal and city processes in my past Alder Updates, including one from several weeks ago available here.
At a Jan. 31 neighborhood meeting and two subsequent neighborhood steering committee meetings, the development team presented their proposal and neighbors gave feedback and asked questions. Some concerns were raised about the lack of affordable rents for the apartments, the displacement of the local businesses on the ground floor of the existing buildings, and the proposed height of the front facade (4 stories) being too tall and the overall design not being in character with much of State Street. The developer indicated that they were hoping that the commercial tenants would find nearby locations, but they only knew of one of the four tenants finding a new location on State Street. They also said that discounting rents for the apartments was not possible without some form of subsidy due to the high cost of new construction.

March 22 Preconstruction Meeting for S. Blair & E. Washington Reconstruction
WisDOT has awarded the contract for this reconstruction project to Integrity Grading and Excavating, Inc. Work on this project will be completed in 2022 and 2023, with the work in 2022 being focused on S. Blair St., and the work in 2023 focused on E. Washington Ave. Construction is expected to begin during the week of March 21, but some prep work will likely be starting during the week of March 14.
A public meeting will be held on March 22 at 4:30 p.m. at the Essen Haus (514 E. Wilson St.) to discuss the construction schedule and impacts. While the vast majority of the reconstruction will take place in Alder District 6, represented by Alder Brian Benford, there are expected to be substantial impacts on motor vehicles, pedestrians, and bicylists, who may be traveling to/from/through District 2.
Visit the project page here where you can also sign up for email updates on road construction.
Below are some pertinent agenda items from city committees that are meeting this week. If you click on meeting "Details" below, you will find participation and viewing options, and a link to the full meeting agenda. If you click on an item from within an agenda, you will see all documents that relate to that item.
I appreciate hearing from you on any agenda items on which you have a particular interest or concern.
President's Work Group on Environmental Justice: Details
3:30pm, Monday, March 14, 2022
Agenda Item 2
President's Work Group on Environmental Justice Final Recommendations: Continue draft review & possible finalization
Transportation Policy and Planning Board: Details
5:00pm, Monday, March 14, 2022
Agenda Item 3
Adopting the Vision Zero Action Plan and directing staff to implement the recommendations in the plan.
Agenda Item 4
TIP Process - Update
Note: This item is the Transportation Improvement Plan for 2023-2028 that includes road construction, reconstruction and repair, bike path construction and improvements, some changes related to BRT station construction, and more.
Police and Fire Commission: Details
5:30pm, Monday, March 14, 2022
Agenda Item 1
Public Comment for the Police and Fire Commission meeting of March 14, 2022
Agenda Item 2
Written Submissions regarding the Fire Chief Hiring Process since February 18, 2022
Common Council Executive Committee: Details
4:30pm, Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Common Council: Details
6:30pm, Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Board of Public Works: Details
4:30pm, Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Agenda Item 4
At this time, a consent agenda will be moved with the recommended action listed for each item EXCEPT:
1) items which have registrants wishing to speak.
2) items which require an extraordinary (roll call) vote and are not included on the consent agenda by unanimous consent.
3) items which Board Members have separated out for discussion/debate purposes.
Those numbers with an asterisk are consent agenda items.
Agenda Item 12
Approving plans and specifications for public improvements necessary for the project known as 302 N Bassett Street - Verve Madison and authorizing construction to be undertaken by the Developer, Private Contract No. 9150. (2nd AD)
302 N Bassett Street - Verve Madison (contract 9150) is for the authorization of the required developer agreement and public improvements to serve the redevelopment of properties located at the west corner of the intersection of N Bassett Street and W Johnson Street. Surface improvements include sidewalk, terrace, path, curb & gutter, and street restoration adjacent to the project on W Johnson Street, N Bassett Street, and Conklin Place. Utility improvements will include upsizing the existing public sanitary sewer in Conklin Place and private lateral service connections for sanitary, storm, and water. Earth retention will be required within the public right-of-way to facilitate excavation and construction activities for the private improvements. There are not existing street trees adjacent to the project, but new street trees will be planted per City Forestry approvals. Lastly, the proposed landscape planters located in the street terrace adjacent to the project will require the developer to enter into a maintenance agreement for their upkeep and maintenance of the associated landscape plantings.
Agenda Item 19*
Approving plans and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for 2022 Parking Garage Maintenance. (2nd, 4th and 6th ADs)
On going maintenance of Capitol Square North, State Street Capitol, Overture Center, WIlson Street, South Livingston Street, State Street Campus (Lake), and State Street Campus (Frances) parking garages. Work includes concrete repair of slabs, columns. and beams, joint repairs, pour strip replacement, CMU crack repair, brick masonry repair and sealing, sealant replacement at slab cracks and joints, epoxy injection crack repair, expansion joint replacement, membrane repair and placement, powerwash, prime, grit-blast and paint steel and concrete, repair cracked stair treads.
Agenda Item 21
Amending the 2022 Operating Budget and Setting the 2022 Rates for the Sewer and Stormwater. (Citywide)
Lead agency is Finance (3/21) with additional referral to Board of Public Works (3/16)
Economic Development Committee: Details
5:00pm, Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Agenda Item 2
Review and Discussion Regarding Draft Building Improvement Grant Program Guidelines
Agenda Item 3
Equitable Economic Response and Recovery
Alcohol License Review Committee: Details
5:30pm, Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Presentation of the Consent Agenda
At this time, a consent agenda will be moved with the recommended action, or to grant with any recommended conditions if no action is recommended for each item EXCEPT:
1) items which have registrants opposed wishing to speak 2) items which members have seperated out for discussion/debate purposes 3) items recommending ordinance changes 4) operator license applications
Consent Agenda
Agenda Item 6
Business Name Change
502 State St LLC • Current dba: Koi Sushi
260 W Gilman St
Class B Combination Liquor & Beer
Aldermanic District 2 (Alder Heck)
New dba: Diamond Cafe
Public Hearing
New License - Public Hearing
Agenda Item 10
Public Hearing - New License
McCunes Edible Spoons LLC • dba Sookie's Veggie Burgers
502 State St • Agent: John McCune • Estimated Capacity (in/out): 50/0
Class B Beer • 10% alcohol, 90% food
Aldermanic District 2 (Alder Heck) • Police Sector 403
Note: The applicant proposes a new restaurant at the former location of Koi Sushi that will also serve beer, but a maximum of 10% of their revenue is expected to come from beer sales. The applicant proposes to cease beer sales by 10pm each night, so I do not anticipate any alcohol-related issues with this new establishment.
Landlord and Tenant Issues Committee: Details
5:00pm, Thursday, March 17, 2022
Agenda Item 5
Amending Section 32.04, Relating to Rent Abatement Procedures.
Agenda Item 7
Continue to revise the Rent Abatement program (MGO 32.04) using racial equity analysis recommendations.