Updates & Week of Jan. 30 Meetings of Interest for District 2
postedDistrict 2 Updates and Meetings of Interest
City meetings continue to be mostly virtual with details listed in City Meetings of Interest below. Common Council meetings are hybrid so the public can attend in person or via Zoom.
Stay in touch with your neighbors through either Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc. or Campus Area Neighborhood Assoc.
There are three sections to this week's update:
- District 2 Updates
- COVID-19 Resources & Information
- City Meetings of Interest to District 2

Request Absentee Ballots for 2023 Elections - Elections scheduled for February 21 and April 4.
2023 Spring Primary Election - Several offices on the ballot this spring require a primary election on Feb. 21. District 2 has three candidates running for Alder, so there will be a Feb. 21 primary for that election, as well as citywide in the Mayoral and State Supreme Court elections. The City Assessor's Office website allows you to find out which Aldermanic district you live in. Search by your address on the Property Look-up page. If you live in Aldermanic districts 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 14, or 20, you will see the primary races for your district on your ballot.
Community support: Resources available following release of video in Tyre Nichols' case
From MPD: Chief Barnes issues statement ahead of police video release in Tyre Nichols' case
From the Mayor: Statement by Mayor Rhodes-Conway on Death of Tyre Nichols
Don't forget to vote for the names of the snowplows! The election closes at 8:00pm on Friday, Feb. 3. Make sure to tell your friends and family to vote as well.
We still have a long way to go to get through winter, so if you haven't done so already, now would be a good time to go to www.cityofmadison.com/Winter. Sign up for snow plowing updates and sidewalk clearing alerts. There's plenty of other information on there as well.
"It's a Big Deal" -- President Biden Mentions Madison in Recent White House Speech
New South Madison Tax Incremental Financing District Proposed - Note that proposed amendments include a proposed transfer of $47.2M from TID #36 (primarily the East Washington corridor) to the new South Madison TID and $4.5M from TID #36 to the Madison Public Market.
City Engineering Launches New Program to Grow Workforce - A new way to step into the infrastructure industry.
From the Mayor: Madison Honored with Clean Energy Pioneer Award by RENEW Wisconsin
From Public Health: How We Track Respiratory Viruses in Dane County
MPD hosts chili cook-off to benefit families of fallen officers
Call for Artists: Our Town Everywhere Self-Portraits Project with The Bubbler at Madison Public Library
From Madison Parks: Winter Fun!
Next John Nolen Drive Public Information Meeting: Feb. 23 - The City of Madison invites the community to the next public information meeting for the upcoming reconstruction for John Nolen Drive.
The 2023 Neighborhood Grant Program is Open! The guidelines and application are now on the City's webpage! See the News Story for more info. Applications are due Feb. 20 by 4:30 p.m.

Lunar New Year Downtown Celebration on Sunday, Feb. 5
Downtown is again hosting the Zhong Yi Kung Fu Association for a Lunar New Year performance in Lisa Link Peace Park in the 400 block of State Street. The performance (see above image from last year's festivities) will start at noon and afterwards the lions will be offering blessings for some of the AAPI-owned businesses on State St and Capitol Square, wishing them luck, fortune, and prosperity in the New Year!
More information about the celebration can be found here.

Community Housing Survey Available from Dane County
We need your help! Dane County is home to a thriving economy, vibrant communities, abundant natural resources, and residents who enjoy a high quality of life! Yet, we are experiencing an extreme housing shortage, people can't find housing, and thousands of Dane County residents--our neighbors, coworkers, and family members--are struggling to stay in their homes while affording basic necessities. By working together to build on local efforts and assess ongoing challenges, we can take the next steps to expedite the development and preservation of affordable and workforce housing.
Let's take the next step together! Click Here to take this 10-minute Community Housing Survey to share your thoughts on housing and affordability for our community. All participants will be entered into a raffle to win a $25 gift card. Paper surveys with self-addressed envelopes can be made available by contacting the project team at parry@countyofdane.com. The survey will remain open through Feb. 9.
Enuesta De Vivienda Comunitaria
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Updates on District 2 Development Proposals and Projects
--- St John's Lutheran Church
This proposal for the redevelopment of St. John's Lutheran Church at 310-322 E. Washington Ave recently received its needed land use approvals from the Urban Design Commission, Plan Commission, and Common Council. St. John's, in partnership with Urban Land Interests, will demolish the current church and its addition to construct worship and social service/community spaces on the first floor of a new building with 9 stories of mostly affordable and workforce apartments above with underground parking below. 108 of the 130 units will have rents affordable to those making 60% or less of County Median Income with 26 of those will be for those making 30% or less than CMI. The project is still in the process of obtaining tax credits from WHEDA and if those and other financing are secured, the project start date is expected to be late summer/early fall of 2023. Project plans here.
--- Campus-State Street Parking Garage
This public-private project has also received its land use approvals. Mortenson Development, who was selected by the City as the developer in a competitive process, will build a student-focused apartment building with 248 apartments (some units having reduced rents for under-resourced students) above a new city parking garage that will include a new intercity bus terminal. The Frances Street side of the parking garage will remain as it is. Accommodations for nearby businesses and residents during construction and after the new structure is built will be worked out in the coming months. Demolition of the existing parking garage is not expected until late 2023/early 2024. Project Plans can be found here.
--- 428 to 444 State Street
JD McCormick Properties' proposal to redevelop 428 to 444 State Street is still on hold. The developer proposes to demolish the existing three mixed-use buildings and construct a new a five- to six-story, mixed-use building with 26 market-rate student-oriented apartments units and first floor commercial spaces. Back in December the Urban Design Commission was expected to consider a revised proposal design, but instead heard from city staff that the applicant will be working with the Parks Division to address remaining concerns related to how the proposed new building's design interacts with the adjacent Lisa Link Peace Park. I have not heard how that negotiation is going, but will keep you posted when I learn more. Project plans from December can be found here.
--- 668 State Street
This proposal received its land use approvals in the fall of 2022. The property owner, 668 State LLC, will construct a four-story addition atop the existing two-story commercial building that currently houses the UW Credit Union on the first floor. The addition will contain 24 student-oriented market-rate apartments on floors 3-6 with floors 5 and 6 set back approximately 30' from the front façade. The existing commercial space on the two lower floors and in a finished basement will largely remain. No automobile parking is included and parking for 24 bicycles will be provided inside the building with 2 additional outdoor bicycle stalls. Project plans can be found here.
--- 506 West Johnson Street, The Verve
This 12-story student-focused apartment project developed by Subtext Development is currently under construction at the corner of West Johnson and North Bassett Streets. The building will have 144 market-rate apartments with a total of 540 beds. In addition to 110 structured vehicle parking spaces in two underground levels, there will be 28 short term bicycle parking spaces and 268 long-term bicycle parking spaces. Project plans can be found here.
--- 408 East Washington Avenue, The Continental
This new 12-story mixed-use building with 156 market-rate apartments opened in December 2022. It includes 146 indoor parking stalls and 156 bicycle parking stalls. The 3,300 square feet of commercial space has been dedicated to the resident's fitness room rather than a commercial space as was originally discussed.

From Public Health Madison & Dane County:
- How can you get free COVID treatment delivered? It's easier than you might think.
- COVID-19 vaccine webpage
- Learn about the many testing sites in Dane County (in Spanish)
- COVID-19 Data Dashboard
- The latest Data Notes
Dane CORE - for rental and utility assistance.
Visit the City's Coronavirus Website for Madison's COVID updates, responses and resources.
Dane County Food Pantry Network from Community Action Coalition.
State of Wisconsin COVID-19 resources and information from state agencies, including the State Dept. Public Health
Info on UW-Madison's response to the pandemic.
Below are some pertinent agenda items from city committees that are meeting this week. If you click on meeting "Details" below, you will find participation and viewing options, and a link to the full meeting agenda. If you click on an item from within an agenda, you will see all documents that relate to that item.
I appreciate hearing from you on any agenda items on which you have a particular interest or concern.
Facilities Programs and Fees Subcommittee (Parks): Details
4:00pm, Monday, Jan. 31, 2023
Agenda Item 5 NEW BUSINESS
Agenda Item 6
2022 Fee Modification Report
Agenda Item 7
Winter Recreation Programs Update
Agenda Item 8
Review of Parks Public Amplification Policy
Agenda Item 9
Carts in Parks 2.0 Summary and Request from Staff to Approve Carts in Parks 3.0 for the 2023 Vending Season
Agenda Item 10
2022 Community Event Data
Agenda Item 11
Review of Events Administratively Approved by Staff
Finance Committee: Details
4:30pm, Monday, Jan. 30, 2023
Agenda Item 22
SUBSTITUTE: Authorizing a $400,000 loan to Centro Hispano, Inc. from the Community Facilities Loan Program to help finance the construction of a community facility at 2403 Cypress Way, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement for that purpose, and amending previously enacted Resolutions 22-00757 and 22-00758 to accommodate a new closing schedule.
Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution would authorize a $400,000 loan to Centro Hispano, Inc. from the Community Facilities Loan (CFL) Program. The CFL program was established in the Community Development Division's (CDD) 2022 Capital Budget, which allocated $1 million in GO Borrowing to support smaller capital projects proposed by non-profit partners to meet facility needs. No funds were expended in 2022, and the unused appropriation was reauthorized in the 2023 budget.
Since the program was established, CDD has developed CFL program guidelines and an application process. The program guidelines set a maximum loan amount of the lesser of $400,000 or 20% of total eligible project costs, in the form of a zero percent long-term deferred loan. If the resolution is adopted, there would be $600,000 remaining in the CFL program budget to support requests from other applicants. No additional City appropriation would be required.
The proposed resolution also amends two prior resolutions (RES-22-00757 and RES-22-00758) related to the redevelopment of Centro Hispano, Inc.'s new community facility. The current resolution would remove Paragraph 12 from the prior resolutions related to requirements for simultaneous closings in order to accommodate the execution of a CFL loan agreement.
Common Council Executive Committee: Details
5:30pm, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023
Agenda Item 2
Social Media Pilot Update
Agenda Item 3
Boards, Commissions, and Committees (BCC) Structure
Board of Health for Madison and Dane County: Details
5:30pm, Wednesday, Feb. 1, 2023
Agenda Item 3
Director's Communicable Disease Update for February 1, 2023
Agenda Item 4
Violence Prevention Update for February 1, 2023
City of Madison Resolutions
Agenda Item 7
Amending the 2023 Adopted Operating Budget to allocate an additional $91,078 to Public Health Madison Dane County for the purpose of expanding funding for Violence Prevention Services, funded through a corresponding reduction in the Common Council budget.
Board of Health Resolutions
Agenda Item 8
Board of Health for Madison and Dane County Resolution #2023-05 Resolution in support of the application for the NIH Community Partnerships to Advance Science for Society (ComPASS) Program: Community-Led, Health Equity Structural Intervention Initiative for Public Health Madison & Dane County
Other Action Items
Agenda Item 10
Gun Violence Position Statement
Community Development Block Grant Committee: Details
5:30pm, Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023
Agenda Item 3
Public Hearing on the use of American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 funds
Agenda Item 5
SUBSTITUTE: Authorizing a $400,000 loan to Centro Hispano, Inc. from the Community Facilities Loan Program to help finance the construction of a community facility at 2403 Cypress Way, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement for that purpose, and amending previously enacted Resolutions 22-00757 and 22-00758 to accommodate a new closing schedule.
Note: See Finance Committee Agenda Item #22 above.