Route 623pm

Gammon, Tree, Westfield, McKenna, Raymond, Muir Field, Gladstone, Tucson, Muir Field, Country Grove, Field Crest, Mammoth, East Pass, Mineral Point, Gammon

Tipo de Servicio: Suplementario

*This route is open to the general public and operates ONLY on days that the Madison Metropolitan School District is in session.


  • Dirección

  • Tipo de Servicio

Regent // Capital High // Gammon // Memorial HS

*This route is open to the general public and operates ONLY on days that the Madison Metropolitan School District is in session.

Regent and Capital HighRed Arrow and VeronaGammon and Memorial HS
2:25 pm2:42 pm3:03 pm

Gammon // Memorial HS // Prairie Ridge

*This route is open to the general public and operates ONLY on days that the Madison Metropolitan School District is in session.

Gammon and MemorialMuir Field and RaymondEast Pass and Heather
3:47 pm4:01 pm4:12 pm
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