Discarded Cigarette Starts Small Balcony Fire

  • Location

    Ponwood Circle
    Madison, WI
  • Incident Date

    Dispatch: Jun. 2, 2016 - 7:19pm
    Arrival: Jun. 2, 2016 - 7:24pm
  • Incident Type


43.081668, -89.500903

This map displays an approximate location.

Incident Details

The Madison Fire Department responded to Ponwood Circle after someone observed smoke coming from a balcony there.
The occupant there says she noticed smoke coming from her deck when she opened up the door to let in some fresh air. She attempted to smother the fire with a carpet square but ultimately retrieved a fire extinguisher from the hallway and deployed it on the small fire.
There was no fire or smoke when firefighters entered the apartment. Parts of the exterior deck were charred and still smoldering, so firefighters retrieved some pots from the kitchen and began pouring water on the hot spots.
Her boyfriend later stated he’d been on the balcony earlier that evening and smoked a cigarette. He discarded the cigarette into a plastic container and then left.  There were an estimated 20 or so discarded butts in the container at the time.
Firefighters informed him that a better way to dispose of cigarette butts is to place them in a metal container with sand inside or run the cigarette under water before disposing into a metal container. The man was apologetic and appreciative of the firefighters’ help.

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