Madison Water Utility issues disconnection notices


If you get a notice in the mail from Madison Water Utility or its contractor Corix Utilities - pay attention. Madison Water Utility is sending urgent disconnection notices to some customers who were first contacted last year about the installation of our new Project H20 water meter reading system, but have yet to respond. A handful of customers have also received bright orange final disconnection notices taped to their doors telling them their water service will be disconnected today, April 16, if they fail to contact Madison Water Utility. Installers first tried to contact those residents in person last August and have knocked on their doors and left informational materials more than a dozen times since. Without responses, Madison Water Utility will move forward with disconnection. Customers who receive urgent disconnection of service notices should either call (608) 266-4765 to schedule an installation appointment or complete an opt-out form and return it to Madison Water Utility. Corix Utilities has been contacting water customers across the city to coordinate and schedule appointments for the installation of the new Project H20 Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system. The required standard water meter system upgrade incorporates replacing the current outside Read-O-Matic registers with an inside mounted endpoint that reports water usage hourly. Since Project H2O began its installation phase, Madison Water Utility has alerted more than 135 homeowners about possible large residential water leaks.


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