City of Madison Rolls Out New Hybrid Common Council Meeting Format
Common Council Meeting Will Offer Virtual and In-Person Public Participation
The Madison Common Council and Mayor Rhodes-Conway are excited to announce the development of a hybrid format for Common Council meetings to help further the City’s equity, accessibility and resident engagement goals. Members of the public may choose to view and/or provide comment in person or virtually at hybrid Council meetings.
“I am so pleased that Council will be back in person and that we will continue to facilitate robust public engagement with these new investments in hybrid,” said Mayor Satya. “And I want to thank all the staff that made it possible.”
“I’d like to give a special thanks to the City’s Clerk’s Office, Council Office, and Information Technology for their work in making hybrid Common Council meetings possible,” said Council President Keith Furman.
The Common Council determines the format of upcoming Council meetings in advance on an ongoing basis. Please check the online City meeting schedule to find out the planned format: https://www.cityofmadison.com/city-hall/committees/meeting-schedule.
Hybrid Common Council meetings will be held in-person at City-County Building Room 201 and on the City’s Zoom meeting platform.
Council meetings will still be viewable live and on-demand via Madison City Channel, the City website and the City’s YouTube channel.
To attend or give public comment in person, enter through the main doors at 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd and proceed to Level 2. Currently, Dane County’s COVID-19 Community Level is Medium. The Council will be following COVID-19 guidelines from Public Health Madison and Dane County. Masks are recommended, but not required. You can find additional recommendations for the Medium level on PHMDC’s site.
To give public comment virtually, register online and you will be sent an email with the information you will need to join the virtual meeting.
Whether you plan to attend meetings in-person or virtually, the City will continue taking all public comment registration online using the Meeting Schedule: www.cityofmadison.com/MeetingRegistration.
More information about City of Madison Common Council: https://www.cityofmadison.com/city-hall/common-council