2025-2030 Park and Open Space Plan
January 14, 2025 Update
A new year, a new plan (of sorts)! In late 2024 a determination was made to modify the organization of the POSP document to more accurately meet WI DNR requirements for an Outdoor Recreation Plan, and to provide a similarly structured document to the 2018-2023 POSP. As such, the timeline has been moved forward to allow for developing and reviewing additional sections of text (including "Plan Adoption and Approval Process" and updating data for the summary charts found within sections such as "Park Development Resources" and "Park Operational Resources". Parks has requested an extension for completion of the plan until the end of 2025.
In addition to reviewing and discussing the text in-total, the Long Range Planning sub-committee of the Board of Park Commissioners has been further examining the "Strategies" section from the prior POSP and determining how best to move those forward at its recent meetings.
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The City of Madison is updating the Park and Open Space Plan!
The purpose of the City of Madison Park and Open Space Plan is to guide and inform public parks policy and park facility decisions. The planning document is used by City Boards & Commissions, City agencies and staff, other agencies and municipalities, and interested residents and volunteers. It is developed by staff, professional consultants and volunteers. The plan seeks to be evidence-based and, as such, utilizes extensive public input, census data, park use records, and other monitoring databases. It is subject to public review and hearings and is adopted by the Board of Park Commissioners and Madison Common Council.
The 2025-2030 POSP update will be in progress throughout 2024 and early 2025, with an anticipated completion date within the third quarter of 2025. Public input on the development of the plan will be available through surveys, open houses and focus group events. Comments may also be submitted directly to Parks using the contact information available on this page.
When available, a DRAFT of the 2025-2030 update will be available on this site.
On October 30, 2018, the City of Madison Common Council adopted the 2018-2023 Park and Open Space Plan.
- The City of Madison owns over 280 parks totaling more than 5,700 acres of parkland and is responsible for maintenance of nearly 6,000 acres of public land. The Parks Division also plays a vital role in the development and policy making of over 1,000 acres of public land administered by the City of Madison Engineering for stormwater, bike paths and landfill purposes.
- The City of Madison parks are an integral component contributing to a quality living environment. Parks play a significant role in promoting community and contributing to the well-being and resilience of its residents.
- The Park and Open Space Plan (POSP) is updated periodically to adapt to and stay current with changing recreational trends, demographics, and park needs, as well as to reflect integration with the planning efforts of complementary City agencies, as well as, county and statewide efforts.
- The POSP satisfies DNR Chapter NR 50 and NR 51, Wisconsin administrative code requiring local municipalities to adopt a local comprehensive outdoor recreation plan to be eligible for several DNR administered funding programs.