Cannonball Single Track Trail Improvements
Project Details
Project Information
Project Update:
Construction is complete and the trail is open!
Thank you to Rock Solid Contracting for new amenity for our community.
A trail map has been created and can be seen below.

Parks Division constructed a section of bike optimized single track trail in 2022. This trail was first identified for construction with the MadBAT planning project in 2020 and has been referred to as the "Shred to School" trail due to it's proximity to Leopold Elementary. The segment runs parallel to the paved Cannonball Bike Path from Post Rd to Hwy 151. The trail runs on the south side of Cannonball Path on lands owned by City Engineering and City Parks Division. Funding was secured for construction in 2022 in part by the PARC and Ride grant program from Dane County. This project connects to the asphalt pump track and skills loop in Aldo Leopold Park completed in 2021.
Trail construction contains three types of trails.
Natural Surface Trail (~1200 LF) Post Rd- Leopold Elementary
Traditional Width Enhanced Tread Trail is constructed as a rolling contour traditional cross country style singletrack and will be topped with crushed limestone to reduce erosion, maintenance requirements, and increase all weather usability. It contains few technical riding elements and uses native natural material found on site. Trail tread can be slightly elevated and cross sloped to avoid erosion. Natural stone drainage features are installed at trail low points.
Mountain Bike Optimized (MBO) Natural Surface Trail (~2500 LF) Hwy 151- Aldo Leopold Park
(MBO) Natural Surface Trail builds on Traditional Trail but uses rolling contour and lift and tilt design and construction methods. It uses a medium frequency of rollers, berms and table top and rollable gap jumps at approximately 3-5 features per 100 feet of trail. The tread will be natural surface constructed out of native materials such as dirt, stone, and wood. MBO trail also utilized Technical Trail Features (TTF's). TTF's are pre manufactured items constructed by a bike park feature manufacturer. These can include elevated trail, berms, and jumps with wood decking. All TTF's include an optional ride around option.
Chip Seal Trail (~3300 LF)- "Shred to School" Trail- Aldo Leopold Park to Leopold Elementary
Chip Seal Trail is constructed similar to MBO trail including TTF's but with an all weather chip seal surface. Chip seal is placed similar to traditional road chip seal with small stones rolled into an adhesive mixture and forms a weather proof "cap" on the trail tread. Chip Seal trail is proposed to be constructed in the Aldo Leopold Park segment due to it's potential for high use and all weather ridability.