Elver Park Improvements
Project Details
Project Information
Madison Parks Division is proposing a number of improvements to Elver Park in the coming years. These improvements represent relatively minor projects that will take place before a larger master planning process kicks off in 2024.
The 2024 master plan process will address larger changes to the park and provide an opportunity to comment Elver Park's long term uses, vision, and layout.
The 2023 changes are summarized in the graphic below. They are expected to begin sometime in summer 2023 and be complete by 2027.
Parks will hold a listening session for members of the community to stop by the park shelter and discuss these improvements with Parks Planning and Development staff.
A listening session was held June 28th from 3pm-7pm at the indoor space at Elver Park shelter. Due to the air quality advisory present on June 28th, an additional virtual listening session is being added on July 20th from 4pm-6pm.
Virtual Listening Session
Thursday, July 20, 2023
Drop in anytime between 4:00 and 6:00pm
Zoom Link
If unable to attend, people may submit comments as follows:
Operations (mowing, snow removal, etc)- Greg Genin; ggenin@cityofmadison.com
Disc Golf- Jason Vroman; jvroman@cityofmadison.com
Park Planning, paving, cricket, and all other comments- Corey Stelljes; cstelljes@cityofmadison.com
All other parks inquiries not related to Elver Park- parks@cityofmadison.com