Vacation Watch Request
Planning an extended trip in the future? Along with the typical items you take care of in preparation for the trip, such as halting your mail, having your newspapers held, having your lawn mowed/driveways plowed and notifying your neighbors to keep an eye on your home, we would like to add another level of "community" to this process by offering extra patrol, when available, to your neighborhood during the time when you are gone. Please provide us with the below information which will be shared with our patrol officers. We ask that you submit your information 72-hours prior to the start date of your trip. This service is intended for extended periods of time that you are away from your home (longer than one day). Short term requests can still be submitted, however as is the case with all requests, this service is not guaranteed and officers will only be able to provide additional patrol to your area if calls for service allow for it. If you have any questions, please contact your local district.