Police Incident Reports A Selection of Noteworthy Incident Reports
Incidents listed are selected by the Officer In Charge of each shift that may have significant public interest. Incidents listed are not inclusive of all incidents. To view Calls for Services information, please visit communitycrimemap.com. Requests for information can be directed to the MPD Records Unit: (608) 266-4075.
Incident Report for Case #2020-363082
Incident Type
RobberyIncident Date
09/28/2020 - 8:59 PMAddress
6202 Schroeder Rd (BP Gas Station - Stop n Go)Update
Surveillance images of the robbers have been added to this Incident Report.Anyone with information on their identities should contact Madison Area Crime Stoppers at 266-6014, or on the web: P3Tips.com
Last updated 10/22/2020 at 11:32 AM by PIO Joel Despain
At 8:59 pm Madison Police were dispatched to an armed robbery at the BP Stop n Go at 6202 Schroeder Rd. Two suspects entered the store and displayed a black semi auto handgun and demanded money from the cashier. Both fled on foot with an unknown amount of cash.One suspect was described as a light skin male black with freckles wearing all black and green gloves. Believed to be late 30's to early 40's and 5ft 4 inches.
Second suspect was described as a darker skin male black wearing white shoes, black pants, grey sweatshirt, black puffy coat, black stocking hat, and green gloves. Suspect was also believed to be late 30's to early 40's and armed with a handgun.
Video evidence was recovered from the store.
If anyone one has information regarding this incident, please contact Madison Area Crime Stoppers at 266-6014, or, on the web at P3Tips.com
Released 09/29/2020 at 1:16 AM by Lt. Kipp Hartman
The location shown is approximate & may not be accurate.