Plenty is 20, Tips to help prevent car theft, Guia para indocumentados & Week Events
postedA Vision Zero project, Plenty is 20: The City of Madison launches Phase 1 of its new program, 20 is Plenty, on Monday, August 9. The program aims to improve safety on Madison's neighborhood streets, by lowering the speed limit on residential streets from 25 mph to 20 mph. Read more here.

Car theft are crimes of opportunity, help prevent car theft by taking the following measures, for additional information click here

"Esta guía de recursos fue creada por Liliana Loera Rivera (Ella). Liliana es una estudiante de posgrado en la Universidad de Wisconsin-Madison en la Escuela de Trabajo Social Sandra Rosenbaum, candidata a una Maestría en Trabajo Social en 2022. Durante su carrera de posgrado, realizó una pasantía en la Oficina de Asuntos de Inmigración (2021-2022) y ahora trabaja para la oficina como especialista en servicios sociales Como inmigrante ella misma, Liliana reconoció la necesidad de una guía de recursos específicamente para familias indocumentadas y proveedores de servicios en el condado de Dane." https://undocudanecounty.wixsite.com/mysite

Reindahl Park Updates
The Public Safety Review Committee will continue its discussion of the Reindahl Park encampment at its meeting on Wednesday.
Enforcing City Ordinances in Reindahl Park
The Equal Opportunities Commission is discussing a resolution directing City staff to enforce City ordinances in Reindahl Park at its meeting on Thursday.
Redistricting Process
The Ad Hoc Redistricting Committee will be discussing the redistricting process at its meeting on Thursday.
For additional information about additional meetings scheduled for this week, please consult the City Meeting Schedule online here
Events, activities, seminars, etc.
- The 6th Annual Madison Black Restaurant Week is August 8-15, featuring 40 participating vendors. Learn more here.
- Don't miss Mercadito de las Americas, a multicultural farmers market, at Penn Park, 2101 Fisher Street. The market will feature food carts, fun activities, music, and much more. The market takes place from 4pm-7pm on August 12, August 26, and September 9; and from 10am-3pm every Sunday until September 5.
- Do you like food, art, music, and fun activities? Then join the fun at Lift Leopold on August 10, 5:30pm-7:30pm at Aldo Leopold Park, 2906 Traceway Drive. There will be free dinner at 6pm, YMCA flag football skills and drills, Madison Public Library DREAM bus, art activities for kids, Wheels for Winners free bike repair, a vaccination clinic and vaccine education, and free ice cream from Chocolate Shoppe.
- Sessions at McPike Park started this weekend. Find the lineup of artists here.
- Are you excited to get back to State Street for fun times and festivals? One way you can do that is by attending the MadLit festivals, which happen every other Friday night, 8pm-11pm, from July through October. The next MadLit festival is August 13, featuring The Adem Tesfaye Band with Zander Anim + Vilas Park Sniper. The event is free of charge. Learn more about the MadLit festival and upcoming acts here.
- Upcoming, public-facing COVID-19 mobile vaccine clinics, as organized by Public Health Madison & Dane County:
- Monday, August 9: Mercado Marimar, 11am-1 pm
- Tuesday, August 10: Luke House, 11am-1 pm
- Wednesday, August 11: WisCares Vet Clinic, 12 noon-3 pm
You can find details and see a map of all upcoming public clinics on the Public Health website. You can find details and see a map of all upcoming public clinics on the Public Health website. Public Health also has regular vaccine hours at their South Madison and East Washington offices. Public Health Madison & Dane County's COVID-19 Data Snapshot is released every Thursday. You can read their weekly blog post for a summary of the week's data. This week's blog post is about the latest guidance from public health as a refresher for anyone who may have missed recent updates. For a weekly summary of talking points around COVID-19 in Dane County, please check out their hot topics document in their Google Drive.
- Upcoming Movies in the Park
- Tuesday, August 10, 6pm, Allied Park (2370 Revival Ridge): Jumanji: The Next Level
- Thursday, August 12, 7pm, Warner Park (2930 N. Sherman Avenue): Avengers: Endgame
- Saturday, August 14, 5pm, 100 block of State Street: Raya and the Last Dragon
- Saturday, August 14, 7:15pm, 100 block of State Street: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
- Tuesday, August 17, 6pm, Worthington Park (3102 Worthington Avenue): The Lion King (2019)
Announcements, press releases, press conferences, etc.
- August is Civic Health Month, a national project from an organization called VotER, which is made up of health care providers striving to share the message that CIVIC health is critical to physical and mental health. They strive to educate patients about how much of our health depends on various levels of government and the need for citizens to be involved. They encourage patients to register and vote using lanyards or laminated placards in exam rooms with QR codes to register. As they say, "Health is always on the ballot." Learn more about Civic Health Month here.
- On August 3, the CDC issued a new order extending the moratorium on evictions due to non-payment of rent for 60 days, through October 3. The Order is limited to counties with substantial or high rates of community transmission. Dane County is currently at a substantial rate of community transmission, so the extension currently applies here in Dane County. In order to qualify for protection under the Order, you will have to have served a declaration upon your landlord attesting to a number of facts. The Tenant Resource Center has a declaration tool you can use to determine whether you are eligible and send a declaration to your landlord. You also need to apply for government assistance available to you. TRC is currently administering the Dane CORE program, which allocates federal emergency rent assistance funds, and you can apply online. Urban Triage is currently providing assistance to people in completing applications and will be administering rental assistance funds, as well, next month. That information is available at their website. There are several exceptions to the order that allow landlords to proceed with eviction for tenant misconduct or contract violations for reasons other than non-payment.
- The Dane County Department of Human Services Immigration Affairs Office has put together some resources for undocumented people. Visit the website to learn more.