Meeting and Event Highlights for the Week of November 6, 2023
postedBoards, Commissions, and Committee Meetings
Note: This is not a complete list of meetings for this upcoming week. All meetings and their details can be found here.
Common Council: The Common Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 7, in hybrid format at 6:30 PM. Agenda items include honoring resolutions for Transgender Day of Remembrance and Homelessness Awareness Month, an ordinance to reduce the time allotted to each alder for discussion and debate, and the approval of various certified survey maps.
Madison Arts Commission – Public Art Standing Committee: The Madison Arts Commission – Public Art Standing Committee meeting will take place on Monday, November 6, in virtual format at 12:00 PM. Agenda items include updates on public art projects, the consulting artist proposal review and vote for the Bartillon Men’s Shelter, and a mural update at the Madison Public Market.
Habitat Stewardship Subcommittee: The Habitat Stewardship Subcommittee meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 7, in virtual format at 4:30 PM. Agenda items include a 5-year update to Owen Conservation Park’s habitat management plan, as well as habitat management plans for Tier II Managed Meadows and Elvehjem Sanctuary.
Board of Public Works: The Board of Public Works meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 8, in virtual format at 4:30 PM. Agenda items include amending Madison General Ordinances to allow for certain greenway encroachments and the creation of a greenway privilege, the approval of a public works project in District 1, and approving plans and specifications for a project in District 16.
Transportation Commission: The Transportation Commission meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 8, in virtual format at 5:00 PM. Agenda items include approving geometry, plans, and specifications and authorizing the Board of Public Works to advertise and receive bids for Mineral Point Road Widened Sidewalk, rate changes for parking garages, and general announcements by the Chair.
Police Civilian Oversight Board: The Police Civilian Oversight Board meeting will take place on Thursday, November 9, in virtual format at 5:00 PM. Agenda items include updates from the Independent Monitor and the subcommittee, proposed stipend and attendance policies, and outreach to community organizations.
Community Development Authority: The Community Development Authority meeting will take place on Thursday, November 9, in the Community Room at 2300 South Park Street at 5:00 PM. Agenda items include authorizing the CDA to execute a land use agreement with B-Cycle LLC for a bicycle-sharing facility station at The Village on Park, a report on housing operations, and a discussion on master development partnership for Park and Badger RFQ.
Public Information Meetings & Sessions
Imagination Center at Reindahl Park (VIRTUAL), Monday, November 6: The City’s Imagination Center at Reindahl Park is ready for the next step in the construction process, and the City needs your input at its next virtual public information meeting, 6 p.m., Nov. 6, 2023, via Zoom. Registration prior is required. Nov. 6, 2023 Public Information Meeting Registration
Sauk Creek Corridor Plan Information Meetings (IN-PERSON), Monday, November 6 from 6:30-8:30pm at Vel Phillips Memorial High School: Join the City in coming up with a plan for this stormwater corridor that can best serve the community! Address: Vel Phillips Memorial High School, Wisconsin Neighborhood Center, 201 S Gammon Rd, Madison, WI 53717. Please register for this meeting at this link on Eventbrite so we can make sure we have enough chairs and tables. There is no fee or ticket required to attend.
North-South BRT - Public Information Meeting (VIRTUAL), Wednesday, November 8: Learn more about Metro’s proposed second Bus Rapid Transit line to run from the north side of Madison through the downtown area, to Madison’s southside neighborhoods and ending in Fitchburg.
North-South BRT - Public Information Meeting, Fitchburg (IN-PERSON), Thursday, November 9: Learn more about Metro’s proposed second Bus Rapid Transit line to run from the north side of Madison through the downtown area, to Madison’s southside neighborhoods and ending in Fitchburg.
Sauk Creek Corridor Plan Information Meetings (VIRTUAL), Thursday, November 9 from 6:30-8:30pm via Zoom: Join the City in coming up with a plan for this stormwater corridor that can best serve the community! Registration prior is required. Please register at: Nov. 9, 2023 Public Information Meeting Registration
Heads up!
Share Your Ideas for Public Art!: Would you like to see more public art in the West Area? Describe the type of art and where you would like it to be located by visiting the Public Commenting Map through November 9. You are also invited to take a brief West Area Arts Planning Survey and to attend a West Area Arts Focus Group on November 13, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. at Vel Phillips Memorial High School, 201 S. Gammon Rd., Wisconsin Room. Enter the front doors facing Mineral Point Road, turn left down the hall, and left again into the Wisconsin Room, #1210. The focus group will include a facilitated discussion with area artists, neighbors, and City staff. We will discuss ideas shared so far, and how to make them a reality! Sign up for the arts focus group and take the survey here .
Announcements & News Releases
District 7 and District 20 Alders Host Lunch and Learn Focusing on Public Safety and Mental Health: Join Alder Nasra Wehelie of District 7 and Co-Host Alder Barbara Harrington-McKinney of District 20 for a virtual Lunch and Learn focusing on public safety and mental health.
Street Reopening Update--S Broom Street & W Wilson Street: The contractor will pave asphalt on Friday, 11/3 and Saturday, 11/4. Following paving, on Saturday afternoon, one lane of inbound (northbound) South Broom Street will open from John Nolen Drive through the work zone (see…
City Celebrates Construction Companies' Dedication to Inclusion, Diversity : The City of Madison is proud to celebrate two successful projects where local contractors have completed key developments in the community that align with the City’s values, core mission, and dedication to diversity and in…
Street Closure--Hill Street (Fri. 11/3 to Sat. 11/4): Hill Street will be closed for two days at the intersection of University Avenue from 7:00 a.m. on Friday, November 3 until 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 4 for asphalt paving.
Put Your Pumpkins in Your Leaf Piles: Streets Division crews will collect pumpkins along with your leaves and other yard waste materials. This includes other compostable decorations like corn stalks and hay.
City of Madison Announces 2023 Bus Lines Poetry Selections: The City of Madison is excited to announce the selected poets for the 2023 Bus Lines poetry project. Poems by six poets were selected, including:…
New Public Art to Be Dedicated on South Pinckney Street Median :The City of Madison invites the public to join City and community leaders to dedicate two new sculptures, Greeting Arc I & Greeting Arc II, by artist Sunghee Min, at 11:30 a.m., Nov…
Open enrollment on HealthCare.gov began November 1! Enrollment is open through January 15, 2024. Sign up by Dec. 15 for coverage to start January 1st. Get free, local help from unbiased experts to find the best plan for your health and budget: coveringwi.org
Meditation at Monona Terrace, Thursday, September 7, 2023 - 12:00pm to Thursday, December 14, 2023 - 12:00pm: Meditation can give you a sense of calm, peace, and balance that benefits both your emotional well-being and your overall health. Anyone can practice; it is simple, inexpensive and does not require any special equipment. Join us virtually every Thursday, September 7 - December 14, for this free 45-minute program welcome to all levels. Advance registration for Zoom webinar is required.
Parks Alive Fall at the Ho Chunk Nation Community Center, Monday, November 6: Held inside community spaces across Madison, fall Parks Alive events are a chance to participate in fun, family-friendly activities, enjoy free food and get to know your neighbors. Build connections with your community and enjoy changing seasons during this mini-series of fall events. These fall Parks Alive events will feature seasonal activities curated by Qwantese Dourese Winters - Madison Public Library’s Naturalist-in-Residence for 2023.
Parks Alive Fall at the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County - Allied Family center, Tuesday, November 7: Held inside community spaces across Madison, fall Parks Alive events are a chance to participate in fun, family-friendly activities, enjoy free food and get to know your neighbors. Build connections with your community and enjoy changing seasons during this mini-series of fall events. These fall Parks Alive events will feature seasonal activities curated by Qwantese Dourese Winters - Madison Public Library’s Naturalist-in-Residence for 2023.
Madison Parks Hiring Fair, Wednesday, November 8: Make this a winter to remember and work for Madison Parks! Join us at Madison Central Library on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 for the Madison Parks Hiring Fair!
Parks Alive Fall at The Salvation Army of Dane County, Wednesday, November 8: Held inside community spaces across Madison, fall Parks Alive events are a chance to participate in fun, family-friendly activities, enjoy free food and get to know your neighbors. Build connections with your community and enjoy changing seasons during this mini-series of fall events. These fall Parks Alive events will feature seasonal activities curated by Qwantese Dourese Winters - Madison Public Library’s Naturalist-in-Residence for 2023.
Learn to Stargaze, Wednesday, November 8: Do you know how to find the Big and Little Dippers in the night sky? How about Orion the hunter or the queen Cassiopeia? Join Madison Parks and UW Space Place and learn about the night sky. The evening begins with a short program on what is visible in the current sky presented by UW Space Place followed by, weather permitting, a view of the constellations and planets with the use of provided telescopes.
Celebrate Poetry: Madison Metro Bus Lines Poetry Reception, Thursday, November 9: Join us for a reception honoring the poets selected to be part of the Madison Metro Bus Lines Poetry Project at 6:30 pm.
Yoga Core, Friday, November 10: Want to build your strength and increase body awareness? Yoga Core is great way to do it! This class incorporates a wide variety of seated, standing, balancing, and mat-based yoga poses focusing on strength, stability, and mobility. Core-based practices can help enhance balance and stability and prevent falls and injuries as we age. All levels are welcome!
WPCRC Family Fun Night, Friday, November 10: WPCRC Family Fun Nights are in partnership with Madison School & Community Recreation. If your company or organization would like to sponsor one of the WPCRC Family Fun Nights or the whole series, please call (608) 245-3684.
Bird & Nature Adventures at the Owen Conservation Park, Saturday, November 11: Explore Owen Conservation Park on gentle trails through historic oak openings on a hillside with an Ice Age kettle and along restored prairies with beautiful vistas on this high point overlooking the west side of Madison. Co-sponsored by Madison Parks, Madison Audubon Society, and the Friends of Owen Conservation Park . Free, family-friendly guided nature walks at Owen Conservation Park are held on the 2nd Saturday of each month, year-round 2:30-4pm. No registration is required. No pets are allowed.
Hayride through Holiday Fantasy in Lights, Saturday, November 11: See the Holiday Fantasy in Lights at Olin Park aboard a haywagon! No reservation is needed.
Bird & Nature Adventures at Turville Point Conservation Park, Sunday, November 12: Follow rolling hiking paths through the Turville Point Conservation Park woodlands and prairie with beautiful vistas of Lake Monona and Monona Bay. Walks at Turville Point held on the 2nd Sunday every month are co-sponsored by Madison Bird City FUN partners, Madison Parks, Friends of Olin Turville , and Madison Audubon Society . Meet at the Turville Point parking lot, entrance at the E. Olin Ave. stoplight from John Nolen Drive at the railroad tracks, south of Olin Park (not at the boat launch). No registration is required. No pets are allowed.
Hayride through Holiday Fantasy in Lights, Sunday, November 12: See the Holiday Fantasy in Lights at Olin Park aboard a haywagon! No reservation is needed.