Reminder: Tonight: North-South BRT Public Meeting (starting soon)


Planning Continues for North/South Bus Rapid Transit (aka “BRT”)

Bus Route Letter B will be the second Metro Bus line in the Madison Area  to convert to rapid transit, otherwise known as Bus Rapid Transit or  simply “BRT”.

Metro’s Bus Rapid Transit  “BRT” line, Route B (North to South) is currently being developed and expected to go online in 2028.

The route will follow the current Metro Route B, which starts on Madison’s Northside, travels through the downtown area, extends through into South Madison, and ends in Fitchburg.

As an upgrade to Metro’s current line, BRT or Bus Rapid Transit will make the service more convenient, easy to use, and more reliable.

The City of Madison is currently hosting its next round of public meetings where we will go over the  changes that have been made based on your input including updated station locations and routing.   

We look forward to getting additional feedback and input as we move through this next phase.

If you cannot attend tonight’s public meeting please feel free to email your feedback to:

If you want me to see you have sent in comments, feedback or other information, please feel free to CC me at

Please note:  If you choose this route (and to ensure your comments are seen), please be sure to email both addresses: and

For more information regarding the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) development visit: where you will find additional information including FAQs, additional meeting and links to watch other BRT public meetings.

To reach Metro by phone call :  608/266-4466

Look forward to seeing you soon,

Alder Amani

Amani Latimer Burris

City of Madison Alder District12

Cell:  (608)345-8747 text (preferred)/call



All  Information referenced adopted from City of Madison, Transportation Department Website

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Alder Amani Latimer Burris

Alder Amani Latimer Burris

District 12
Contact Alder Latimer Burris