Have you voted? Can you help work the polls? - 3/27/20


The spring election is just 11 days away on April 7: Have you already voted by absentee ballot or at the curb downtown?

If so, THANK YOU and please see below to help out even more!! If not, please request your ballot now or make plans to head downtown to vote at the curb. 

The polls will be open on April 7th for all those that have not already cast their ballots, but the more people that vote early the better. Some poll locations are also still subject to change and will be finalized as soon as possible.

Want to help even more? The City Clerk's office needs volunteers to help staff the polls on election day. Many of our regular poll workers are at high risk for COVID-19 and are unavailable to work this election. If you are healthy and can help out, please visit the City Clerk's webpage to sign up - it's easy!! No experience is necessary and you will receive online training ahead of election day.

We need everyone's help to make sure everyone's counted.


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Alder Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford

Alder Dina Nina Martinez-Rutherford

District 15
Contact Alder Martinez-Rutherford
