Updates & Week of April 25 Meetings of Interest for District 2
postedDistrict 2 Updates and Meetings of Interest
City meetings are mostly virtual with details listed in City Meetings of Interest below.
Stay in touch with your neighbors through either Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc. or Campus Area Neighborhood Assoc.
There are three sections to this week's update:
- District 2 Updates
- COVID-19 Resources & Information
- City Meetings of Interest to District 2

From City Engineering: Blair Street South Project - Latest Update
From the Mayor:
Madison Water Utility Pursues Design for Well 15 PFAS Treatment
MadiSUN Launch Event including, "MadiSUN solar projects support living-wage jobs, reduce air pollution, help save residents money and reinforce the stability of our electric grid."
From MFD: Ready For 'Combat' – Crews Train To Save Fellow Firefighters
Mayor Rhodes-Conway Reacts to Strong Common Council Support for BRT Project
Alder Lindsay Lemmer Announces Resignation from Madison Common Council Effective May 11, 2022
Earth Day Challenge - Celebrate Earth Day with neighbors and friends by volunteering to clean up your neighborhood park during the Earth Day Challenge on Earth Day, Saturday April 23. All ages are welcome to participate. Advanced registration is required for anyone 10 years and older - available here. Cleanups at most of the parks will be from 10:00am to 12:00pm unless otherwise noted on the registration page. Parks already full and with no volunteer openings are not listed.
Dane County is updating the Noise Compatibility Plan for Dane County Regional Airport. A public outreach open house will be held on Tuesday, April 26, from 5pm-8pm, at the Dane County Regional Airport in Conference Room 1, near baggage claim. More information can be found here.
Support a Utility Box Installation - To help grow this popular community art project citywide, Friends of Madison Arts Commission developed a program to Support a Utility Box Installation in your neighborhood. In developing this program, the Madison Arts Commission intended this program to highlight, encourage and promote local artists by giving them exposure in the public realm. Artists are compensated $500 for a license of each image used in the program. This project's funds will be used to pay artists and cover the costs of installing the art on utility boxes. Contributions of any size are welcome, but a $2,500 contribution will fully cover the cost of a box wrap in your neighborhood and a box in a neighborhood where there aren't as many financial resources.
- Streets Division Updates
- New drop-off site hours and locations have begun! Be sure you know which sites are open and where they are before loading your vehicle. Get that information here.
- Yard waste collection for the spring is wrapping up soon. Be sure you know when you should be setting out yard waste - info here.
- Brush collection is ongoing. Get the dates when you should be setting out brush here.
- April is Earth Month! One easy way to celebrate is to be sure you're recycling the right stuff. For example – just because it's plastic doesn't mean it goes into your recycling cart. Get the rules here.
Make Music Madison is a free, citywide, outdoor day of music held annually on the summer solstice. Initiated in Madison in 2013, our festival is part of the larger Make Music Day, an international summer solstice music celebration occurring in 1,000+ cities across the globe. The 2021 event featured 312 concerts at 112 venues with over 1,000 individual musicians. Registration to perform or host a performance opens this month. Learn more here.
Take the Network Redesign Draft Plan Survey and give Metro your feedback. Over the next few months, staff will be analyzing feedback on Metro's Network Redesign Draft Plan and making adjustments. The online survey is available in English and Spanish and will be available until the end of April. Paper copies of the survey are available in English, Spanish and Hmong. Call 608-266-4466 or email mymetrobus@cityofmadison.com to request a copy.
The City's Engineering Division will allow use of low-carbon concrete in the construction of public sidewalks and curb and gutter thanks to the work and initial passion of a couple local Girl Scout troops. Read more here.
Are you a local musician? Do you want to be part of the city's musician list? Please contact Angela Puerta, City of Madison Planning Division, apuerta@cityofmadison.com

Two Special Events to Close Streets in State Street/Langdon Area on April 29 & 30
On Friday, April 29th, the 600 block of Lake Street (between Langdon and Lake Mendota) and Mendota Court will both be closed from approximately 10am until 11pm for All Campus Party's annual Lake Street Bash sponsored by the Wisconsin Alumni Student Board. The event will be allowed to have amplified music from 2pm to 8pm. For more information, contact Gracie Regalia at gregala721@gmail.com.
On Saturday, April 30th, the annual Crazylegs Classic will close several downtown and campus area streets including these streets in District 2:
- State Street between Lake and W. Gilman Streets
- W. Gilman between State and Carroll Streets
- Carroll Street between W. Gilman and Langdon
- Langdon between Carroll and Lake Streets
See the map above for the race and walk route through the downtown area.
The Crazylegs route will start at Lake Street and UW's Library Mall with Mall setup starting on Friday, April 29 at 2:00pm. The course setup will start at 6am on Saturday, April 30, with the run/walk starting at 9:50am. The route ends at Camp Randall Stadium, so once the runners and walkers are through the State Street and Langdon areas near the beginning of the route, traffic should be allowed and impacts minimalized. For information, contact Shane Burgess of Wisconsin Athletics at Spb@athletics.Wisc.Edu.
Save the Date: May 2 Neighborhood Meeting on New Redevelopment Proposal for E. Johnson & N. Butler
On May 2 at 6:00pm, join me for a virtual neighborhood meeting to take a first look at a proposed redevelopment at the corner of E. Johnson and N. Butler Streets. Kaba Baal LLC proposes to demolish four buildings (301 and 305 E. Johnson and 145 and 149 N. Butler) and then construct a new a residential building with 32 to 48 dwelling units with parking underneath. The developer is seeking City of Madison Forward Housing funds that, if awarded, and financing secured could require residents to have 60% of Dane County Median Income or less with rental rates reduced appropriately. The building is likely to be proposed with a mixture of studios, 1-bedroom, and 2-bedroom units.
The developer will be seeking a Demolition Permit and will need approvals by the Plan Commission and possibly the Urban Design Commission, but formal applications have not yet been filed with the city.
The James Madison Park District of Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc., (CNI), will likely form a neighborhood steering committee sometime after the May 2 meeting, but I encourage you to attend this first meeting to learn more about the proposed redevelopment. Registration for the meeting is required and available here.

From Public Health Madison & Dane County:
- Public Health, Local Health Systems Encourage Boosters & Second Boosters, including "Dane County Raised to CDC's "Medium" Level of COVID Activity"
- COVID-19 vaccine webpage
- Learn about the many testing sites in Dane County (in Spanish)
- COVID-19 Data Dashboard
- The latest Data Notes
Masks Now Optional on Metro Buses
Dane CORE - for rental and utility assistance. If you are a renter or landlord in need of financial assistance as a result of the pandemic, you can still access financial assistance.
Visit the City's Coronavirus Website for Madison's COVID updates, responses and resources.
Dane County Food Pantry Network from Community Action Coalition.
State of Wisconsin COVID-19 resources and information from state agencies, including the State Dept. Public Health
Info on UW-Madison's response to the pandemic.
Below are some pertinent agenda items from city committees that are meeting this week. If you click on meeting "Details" below, you will find participation and viewing options, and a link to the full meeting agenda. If you click on an item from within an agenda, you will see all documents that relate to that item.
I appreciate hearing from you on any agenda items on which you have a particular interest or concern.
Finance Committee: Details
4:30pm, Monday, April 25, 2022
At this time, a consent agenda may be moved except for items with registrants wishing to speak or items Committee members wish to separate out for discussion or debate purposes.
Agenda Item 2
Submitting the appointment of Karen Kapusta-Pofahl for confirmation of a five-year term as the Common Council Chief of Staff.
Agenda Item 4
Adopting and confirming the Labor Agreement between the City of Madison and the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 311 (IAFF Local 311) for the period January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2024.
Agenda Item 6
A Resolution authorizing a sole source contract authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a service contract with the Center for Patient Partnerships to provide services for the City of Madison - Citywide Implementation of COVID-19 Education Program that is being funded through a US EPA Environmental Justice Grant.
Agenda Item 8
Amending the Police Department's 2022 Operating Budget and authorizing the Mayor and Chief of Police to accept up to $20,000 in funding from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for Beltline flex lane traffic safety enforcement.
Agenda Item 11
Approving a land sale and agreements with Dane County to sell and develop portions of the Yahara Hills Golf Course as a future landfill, compost site and sustainable business park, and entering into a new solid waste agreement.
Agenda Item 12
Amending the 2022 Adopted Capital Budget to transfer $265,000 GO Borrowing from the Reconstruction Streets Program to Right-of-Way Landscaping Program, to allow conversion of medians with planting beds to turf and concrete. (Citywide)
Agenda Item 13
Authorize amendment of the 2022 Water Utility Capital Budget to include $425,000 of additional budget authority for engineering services in support of bench-scale pilot testing, an alternatives analysis, and preliminary and final design for Well 15 PFAS Treatment Facility project and authorization to proceed with sole source award of engineering services to AECOM, in an amount not to exceed $375,000.
Agenda Item 14
Approving Program Parameters for a New City Program Offering Assistance to Develop Accessory Dwelling Units
Agenda Item 17
Directing City Engineering staff to proceed with renovations to the structure located at 2002 Zeier Road necessary to convert it to temporary use as a shelter for single men experiencing homelessness, and amending the City's 2022 Adopted Capital Budget to authorize an additional $500,000 of general obligation borrowing to complete that work.
Sustainable Madison Committee: Details
4:30pm, Monday, April 25, 2022
Agenda Item 2
Imagine Madison Overview & Update
Agenda Item 4
No Mow May
Plan Commission: Details
5:30pm, Monday, April 25, 2022
AGENDA NOTE: Note: Hearing items may be called at any time after the beginning of the meeting. Those wishing to speak on an item must register with the Secretary. The Plan Commission uses a consent agenda, which means that the Commission can consider any item where there are no registrants wishing to speak in opposition regardless of its placement on the agenda.
Agenda Item 4
Amending the Yahara Hills Neighborhood Development Plan, a supplement to the City of Madison Comprehensive Plan, to provide updated recommendations for the area located on the eastern portion of the Yahara Hills Golf Course.
Tax Incremental Districts
Agenda Item 5
Approving the Amendment to the Project Plan for Tax Incremental District (TID) 36 (Capitol Gateway), City of Madison.
Fiscal Note
The proposed resolution authorizes the fourth Project Plan Amendment for Tax Incremental District (TID) 36 (Capitol Gateway). This amendment:
1. Reimburses the City $6,500,000, including $1,500,000 for the grant to Starting Block, $4,000,000 for the Livingston St Ramp construction, and $1,000,000 for site acquisition for the Livingston St ramp from MG&E.
2. Provides $1,222,000 for the Blair St intersection reconstruction project.
3. Deletes $5,000,000 of project costs that were originally for TIF loans. These projects did not require TIF assistance, and the funds will be reallocated.
4. Donates $4,000,000 of incremental revenue from TID 36 to TID 42 (Wingra).
Under the revised project plan, the total costs supported by TIF are $57.4m. No additional City appropriation is required with the adoption of this resolution.
Zoning Text Amendments
Agenda Item 9
Amending MGO 28.151 Supplemental Regulations for "Nightclub," "Restaurant-Nightclub" and "Restaurant-Tavern" are amended; MGO 28.211 Definitions for "Nightclub, "Restaurant-Nightclub," "Restaurant-Tavern," and "Tavern" are amended to allow food in taverns and nightclubs; amending Table 28D-2 in MGO 28.061 to change "Brewpub," "Catering," "Incidental Alcohol Sales," "Restaurant-Tavern," and "Tavern" from conditional to permitted uses in NMX district.
DRAFTER'S ANALYSIS: MGO 28.151 Supplemental regulations for the following categories are amended to allow food in nightclubs and taverns: Nightclub; Restaurant-Nightclub; Restaurant-Tavern. MGO 28.211 Definitions for "Nightclub," "Restaurant-Nightclub," "Restaurant-Tavern" and "Taverns" are amended for the same goal. Currently, only pre-packaged food is allowed in taverns and nightclubs. Taverns and nightclubs are also not allowed to have kitchens. In addition, the changes distinguish bona-fide restaurants with seating and low capacity from taverns and nightclubs, which allow standing and have a higher capacity. Finally, Table 28D-2 in MGO 28.061 is amended for change Brewpub, Catering, Incidental Alcohol Sales, Restaurant-Tavern and Tavern from conditional use to permitted use in the Neighborhood Mixed Use ("NMX") District. The use for those five categories does not change in any other mixed-use and commercial district.
Excerpt From Staff Memo:
Additionally, this amendment modifies the NMX district, to allow brewpubs, catering, incidental alcohol sales, restaurant-taverns, and taverns as permitted uses. These uses are permitted uses within the TSS and CCT districts, so this change will better align the NMX district use list with these similar districts. Other alcohol related uses, including Nightclub, Restaurant-Nightclub, and Tasting Room remain conditional uses in this district like TSS and CCT.
Agenda Item 20
Confirming the format of Plan Commission meetings from June through December 2022.
Community Services Committee: Details
5:30pm, Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Agenda Item 2
Downtown Madison Safety Initiative
Agenda Item 3
Youth and Adult Employment RFP
Housing Strategy Committee: Details
5:00pm, Wednesday, April 28, 2022
Agenda Item 2
Amending Sections 41.02, 41.03(5), 41.05, 41.11, 41.14(2)(b) and (c), 41.14(3), 41.15(1), 41.18(3); and Repealing and Recreating Subchapter 41G of the Madison General Ordinances.
Note: This item is a referral by Common Council of the proposed and substantial rewrite of some of city ordinances related to Local Historic Districts which was put forth by the Landmarks Ordinance Review Committee.
Downtown Coordinating Committee: Details
5:30pm, Thursday, April 28, 2022
Agenda Item 2
Report of Mall Maintenance and Special Events
Special events list for 2022
Agenda Item 3
Downtown Police Update
Officer Ryan Jeffrey will report
Agenda Item 4
Downtown Economic Development
Saran Ouk, the new Office of Business REsources Manager will report on Pup Up Shop Program and BID Liaison
Agenda Item 5
Downtown Transit Discussion
Metro Transit Redesign Update