Dec. 15, 2022 Madison Declares Snow Emergency, Office Hours


Hello Neighbors,  


Please review the following note from the City of Madison Streets Division: 

Begin quote: 

"Here's a bulleted list:

  • All City streets will be plowed today (December 15) starting at 7:00am. (Here's a link to the plow update where I get into more detail – if you don't get the plow update emails I encourage you to sign up for them.)
  • Trash & recycling collection will occur as scheduled today, but they will be starting a bit later to give plow trucks a chance to clear up some of the neighborhood streets.
  • The Streets Division drop-off sites will be closed today due to the weather. The personnel that staff the sites would be better deployed to assist with the snow, so the sites need to be closed today. They are expected to reopen as schedule tomorrow (Friday, December 16)
  • There will be a snow emergency declared that will trigger citywide alternate side parking this evening (December 15th into the 16th) and again tomorrow night (December 16 into the 17). 


Also, this is another dose of exceptionally wet, dense, heavy snow.  As we plow it, it will fill driveway aprons and crosswalk approaches, and they will be difficult to shovel out so folks should take care not to over-exert themselves.  They should also not wait to clear out their driveways and sidewalks because it's only going to get colder, and you do not want this mass of snow freezing solid at the end of your driveway.


I should note, too, that filling driveways when plowing is unavoidable.  Straightening the plow, as is often suggested, will not fix this issue, and there really isn't a mechanical solution that can solve this problem either.  There are mitigation strategies, like shoveling off space on your terrace before and after your driveway to give the snow a place to land instead of the driveway, or waiting until the plows come through before shoveling out your driveway, but there will still be a buildup of snow across the driveway entrance." End quote

- City of Madison Streets Division


Here are my upcoming office hours: 

  • Saturday, 12/17, 9am – 11am, In person at Mercies Coffee, located at 1748 Eagan Rd


  • Thursday, 1/12/23, 8am - 10:30am, In person at Mercies Coffee, located at 1748 Eagan Rd



In community, 

Alder Sabrina V. Madison

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Alder Sabrina Madison

Alder Sabrina V. Madison

District 17
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