Wingra Lot

43.0662938, -89.4150585

  • Address

    Entrance locations:
    1700 Monroe St.
    800 Garfield St.
  • Electric Vehicles

  • Hours of Operation

    Public parking is available 24/7.
    Enforced 8:00 am – 6:00 pm, Monday – Saturday. Sundays and holidays are not enforced.
  • Locations Nearby

    Monroe Street Business
    Camp Randall Stadium


Hourly Rates
Hourly Rate

$1.20 per hour

8:00 am – 6:00 pm, Monday – Saturday. Accepts nickels, dimes and quarters.

Motorcycle Rates
Hourly Rate $1.20 per hour
Accepts nickels, dimes and quarters.

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

There are two public charging stations and one accessible charging station near the Monroe St. entrance.

Accessible Parking Information

A valid, state-issued Disabled or Disabled Veteran hang tag or license plate must be properly displayed when parking in a designated accessible (DIS) space.

Accessible Parking Spaces

  • 1 space near the Monroe St. entrance. This is also the accessible electric vehicle charging station.


None (Surface Lot)
Space Inventory
Accessible Parking Spaces 1
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations 1
Accessible Electric Vehicle Charging Stations 1
Metered - 10 hour limit 18
Motorcycle and Moped Spaces 1
Total 21
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