Residential Parking Permits
The Residential Parking Permit (also referenced as RP3) allows residents to park in excess of the posted one- or two- hour time limits on designated streets in their area between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm, or in locations designated for resident parking only between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm. This provides residents the opportunity for the limited storing of vehicles on public streets to the partial exclusion of commuter vehicles. A Residential Parking Permit does not guarantee a parking place. It allows the right to park if space is available. View Map of permit to spaces ratio. If you apply online or by mail, and you live at an eligible address, your permit will be mailed to you at the permit address. Please allow up to two weeks from the date your permit is approved and issued for delivery.

Residential permit parking streets are identified by an area number which is located in the lower left-hand corner of the one- or two- hour parking sign. If you do not have a residential permit you must move your vehicle in accordance with the signs or you may be cited.
Permit Issuance Dates
Permits for the current permit year, September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2025, can be purchased anytime during normal permitting hours. It is recommended to apply on-line: Apply/renew Permit
Permits for the following permit year, September 1, 2025 - August 31, 2026, can be submitted beginning in July of the new permit year. Those permits will not be mailed until mid-August. Appointments to apply for and collect permits in person begin on, or after, August 15.
Limited Availability
We suggest that residents of Areas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 9 seek alternatives to on-street parking for their vehicles. These areas are very crowded due to a large number of vehicle owners living in the area with only a few streets suitable for residential parking. The number of permits issued is greater than the number of on-street parking spaces available in these areas.
View the full Map of Residential Permit Parking Areas. Required: Enter address & city.
Restrictions and Limitations
- Permits do not exempt you from any parking restrictions other than the one- or two- hour restrictions or resident parking only restrictions on designated streets in your area. You must obey the signage for all other restrictions (such as “No Parking 9:00 am – Noon Thursdays”).
- Permits do not apply to streets that are metered.
- Permits do not allow you to park for more than 48 consecutive hours.
- Permits do not exempt you from alternate side parking regulations.
- Permits are not transferable. If during the permit year, you move or extend you lease, change vehicles, get a new license plate number, replace windshield, or sell/junk the vehicle, you must submit a replacement application and surrender your permit to the Parking Utility to purchase a replacement permit.
Process to Establish Residential Permit Parking
There are currently two residential parking programs:
- The first Residential Permit Parking Program (RP3) establishes the entire block with the time-restricted parking, but allows residents (with a permit) to park in excess of the posted time limit, while those without a permit - resident or nonresident - may park for only the time posted.
- The second Residential Parking Only (RPO) restricts half of the block to only residents with permits, while the other half has no parking restriction, allowing anyone to park.
There are certain requirements that must be met, by city ordinance, for a street to be included in either of the residential parking programs.
These requirements are:
- The block must be zoned at least 50% residential.
- Residents representing a majority of the dwelling units in the block must be petitioned and in favor of the program.
- A majority of the parking must be occupied by commuter vehicles a majority of the time between 8:00am – 6:00pm, Monday – Friday. A parking study will be completed to determine the percentage of commuter parkers.
If you would like to discuss having your street included in one of these programs, please contact the Parking Division at 608-266-4761.