Private Property Trees
Trees on private property are owner's responsibility.
We recommend property owners contact certified arborists for private tree needs.
For more information on finding a certified arborist near you, please visit the Wisconsin Arborist Association.
If you have a concern about a private tree that is not on your property, like if a neighbor's tree is in very poor condition, please contact City of Madison Building Inspection. You can email them at binspection@cityofmadison.com or call them at 608-266-4551.
The City of Madison cannot perform work on private property trees.
Public Tree vs. Private Tree
Public trees are the ones planted in public parks, public golf courses, stormwater greenways, and city cemeteries. They are also planted along streets in the city right-of-way area.
If your neighborhood has sidewalks, the right-of-way (also known as the terrace) is typically the area between the sidewalk and the street. If you do not have a sidewalk, the right-of-way is the space between the street and your property line.
If the tree is in someone's yard - then that is a private property tree.