Every Drop Counts
When Dominique Haskins came to work for the Madison Water Utility over a year ago after spending twenty plus years in the City of Madison Parking Division, she wasn’t quite sure what to expect. She certainly didn’t anticipate being part of a major transition in customer billing software—an exciting and challenging time for customers and staff alike.
As she’s grown in her knowledge of the utility, Dominique has high praise for the team support she’s received as a new employee, “My supervisor has been great. I know I can always go to her with questions.”
As the first person most customers see or talk with at the utility, Dominique fields a lot of questions:
“People want to know when a bill is due, who they can transfer a bill to, how to move in or out of a residence, or how to set up autopay.”
Her passion is clear, “I love helping customers get as much information as they need.”
And like so many Madison Water Utility staff, that passion naturally begins to bubble over into home life as well.
“Before I worked for the water utility, I didn’t think too much about water and how much I was using each month. Now, every time I take a shower or rinse foods in the sink, I try and be mindful. I think about better ways to do what I need to do and turn the water off sooner. I know every drop counts.”
In her free time, Dominique loves going to concerts and is looking forward to the Village People coming to Madison’s Brat Fest in 2024.
This content is free for use with credit to the City of Madison Water Utility.