Plumbers & Contractors
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- Determine your meter fee: Meter Application Fee Schedule
New Installation and Service Changes
Application forms for water services and meters can be downloaded and printed or obtained from the Water Utility Main Office at 119 E Olin Ave.
Plumbers are required to submit an application for water service when they need to:
- Connect to an existing water service (requires the signature of a master plumber),
- Install a new water service (requires the signature of a master plumber and the property owner), or
- Replace a water service (requires the signature of a master plumber and the property owner).
A plumber signature is required on all applications. For new or replacement services, the property owner or authorized agent must also sign the application. If you have questions regarding water service applications, call (608) 266-4646.
Please make sure all applications and fees are submitted before beginning work, allowing at least 10 business days for processing and 3 business days' notice for installation appointment. Failure to do so may result in your customer being denied water service.
Please electronically send the necessary application form to the email address specified and include a number to call if you would like to make a credit card payment by phone, rather than submitting applications and checks in person or through the mail.
Applications received by email and with credit card payments will be processed daily; mail will only be processed once per week. We appreciate your cooperation.
Installing a new water service?
Water Service Application Form
Send completed Water Service application form to: serviceapplications@madisonwater.org
Installing a new water meter?
Send completed Water Meter application to: meterapplications@madisonwater.org
To determine your meter fee:
Meter Application Fee Schedule new 3/2023 PDF
Modifying an existing water main, hydrant or service?
Modify Mains/Services Application Form
Send completed Modifying Services application form to: serviceapplications@madisonwater.org
Locating & Operating the Water Service Box
Plumbers and/or property owners should contact us at (608) 266-4661 before operating the curb stop.
We will mark the box and make sure the stop is working correctly.
Diggers Hotline
Call Diggers Hotline® before you start any outdoor construction or improvement project:
1-800-242-8511, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.