New Old Canoe and Highlights for the Week of September 26, 2022

3000 Year Old Canoe Recovered in Lake Mendota

Canoe on Beach

Canoe in Truck

Last week, a 3000-year-old canoe was recovered from Lake Mendota and extracted via Spring Harbor Beach. The Wisconsin State Journal has all the amazing details.

For information about additional City meetings scheduled for this week, please consult the City Meeting schedule.

Other News

The first of three in-person events: Design Challenge Kick-Off 

Monday, Oct. 3, 2022 @ 6:00 pm CT

Madison Central Library, Rooms 301-302, 201 W Mifflin St.

Design teams will live-stream to the event and introduce themselves and their team's unique perspective on master plan development.

  • Business District Support Program: The Business District Support Program website is accepting applications on a first come, first served basis. This program will provide grant funds to eligible local organizations that can activate or reactivate business districts by promoting small businesses and other economic growth activities such as programs, assistance, and events such as markets or festivals. In addition, this grant can be for existing business associations or new groups interested in exploring or starting a new business district.

  • Food Scraps Recycling: Food scraps recycling for 2022 has been extended to Oct. 25 at two farmer's market drop-off sites:
    • South Madison Farmer's Market (1602 S. Park St., Labor Temple)
      • Hours: Tuesdays, 2:00pm to 6:00pm.
    • Eastside Farmer's Market (202 S. Ingersoll St., McPike Park)

      • Hours: Tuesdays, 4:00pm to 7:00pm
  • Dane CORE 2.0: Dane County and the City of Madison were notified this week that their requests for additional emergency rental assistance funds have been approved. That means more federal funds will soon be available to continue the Dane CORE 2.0 program. The Dane CORE 2.0 application portal, which temporarily closed on September 15, will re-open at 12:00 am CST on Wednesday, October 5, for persons interested in submitting new applications and additional funding requests (AFR's). Applications received prior to the September 15 pause will continue to be processed without interruption, and eligible claims will be paid. It is not necessary to resubmit those applications when the portal re-opens. Anyone wishing to review the status of an application that has already been submitted to see if there are any open tasks and that all information is up to date should log into Neighborly.

Please note that the program changes described in our previous message will go into effect for any applications submitted after the portal re-opens. These changes are designed to reserve funds for those households facing the greatest economic hardships. They include the following:

  • Program benefits will be available only to those with household incomes at or below 50% of the County Median Income. (Previously, the income threshold was 80% of County Median Income).
  • The program will provide assistance only for past-due (unpaid) rents.
  • Only arrears accrued since July 1, 2021 will be eligible.
  • Assistance will not be available for forward/future rent payments unless paired with security deposit assistance.
Save The Date
  • 5602 & 5606 Schroeder Road at Plan Commission on 10/3

    The proposed project at 5602 & 5606 Schroeder Road will be on the agenda at the October 3rd Plan Commission meeting. 

  • PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETINGLAKE MENDOTA DRIVE--Phase 2 on Thursday, October 6, 6:00pm to 8:00pm via Zoom. At this meeting, staff will present more details for the 2023 project on Lake Mendota Dr., including any updates related to the street design that was approved by the Common Council earlier in 2022 and the project schedule. Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity to discuss the project and ask questions. The project page will be kept current with project updates, including future meetings.

  • Town of Madison final public information meeting: The City of Madison will hold a Final Public Information Meeting for the Town of Madison Attachment on October 20, 2022, at 6pm. This public meeting will be conducted virtually and prior registration is required. Join us to meet City of Madison staff and learn about the Town of Madison attachment.

If you have questions, comments, suggestions, etc., feel free to reach out:

-Keith F

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John Guequierre

Alder John P. Guequierre

District 19
Contact Alder Guequierre
